Sentences with phrase «diverse movement»

And if we're going to build a big, broad, and diverse movement with the numbers to shift away from fossil fuels — and we are — that matters a lot.
But there are many diverse movements and forms of life in the world, and this naturally became reflected in the types of beings man came to recognize.
And it will «reach out to other communities, campaign groups, movements so we can have a big diverse movement to win power at the next election».
Site - specific installations, appropriated ready - mades, paint splashes, and geometrical constructivist paintings describe Armleder's allusions to diverse movements of modern art.
Top Church officials, including bishops, are also spearheading the global and diverse movement for divestment.
Thus we have the ability (or potential ability) for diverse movements such as squats, running, doing the splits, performing acrobatics, hula dancing and more.
The 20th century saw the explosion of traditional sculpture, wherein virtually any material — like John Chamberlain's car parts or Marcel Duchamp's readymades — could be used, as well as the rise of such diverse movements as kinetic sculpture, sound sculpture, environmental art, and Minimalist sculpture.
To build a strong, diverse movement inclusive of Planned Parenthood health centers» patient base, Planned Parenthood Action Fund engaged hundreds of reproductive health advocates.
These and other critiques have sparked a flurry of internal discussion and debate about the future of the coalition — a fairly healthy conversation as reformers work to grow a more diverse movement, but one that has also left people divided over just how existential these problems really are.
Whatever else may be held in common throughout this increasingly diverse movement, the unity of evangelicals is their common goal of evangelizing the world for Christ.
The second point which I think it is important to note, is that right now there is a convergence of objectives among very diverse movements, and that there are impressive interactions.»
Artists from Armenia to the Americas realized Surrealist techniques in vastly different ways — here's 10 paintings that show just how diverse the movement is.
Both works quickly became a clarion call for the «New Sculpture» in England, a stylistically diverse movement marked by innovative reconsiderations of classical sculpture.
I identify myself as evangelical in interviews with the press because I want people to know that evangelicalism is a broad and diverse movement with a common spirit, but not necessarily uniform theological or political beliefs.
To build a strong, diverse movement inclusive of Planned Parenthood health centers» patient base, Planned Parenthood Action Fund engaged hundreds of our members in Action Forums across the country.
Our friend Adam Werbach gave a speech called «Is Environmentalism Dead,» wherein he suggested that environmentalists make common cause with a broader coalition of progressive interests in hopes of building a broader and more diverse movement.
Haacke is a unique figure in post-war art, and his work has touched on such diverse movements as Conceptual, Pop, Minimal and Land art.
Suppose there emerged from left or right an issue of moral commitment over which the diverse movements in the church could agree that church - wide action must be taken but could not agree on what action to take.
It is my impression that most of them have stayed closer to Wesley, or at least tried harder to do so, and have been less caught up in the diverse movements that have swept the denominations that became the United Methodist Church.
A recent survey by Interfaith Funders shows how large and diverse this movement has become.
Postconservative evangelicalism is a small and diverse movement.
Ross D. judiciously notes that this large and diverse movement that is the Tea Party includes both strange and fringey and responsible and sensible elements.
Like most demos of this size, it's a diverse movement of people and the professional communicators of the media should be expected to have better interviewing skills.
Like most demos of this size, it's a diverse movement of people» - and that implies a divergence.
students understand that the ambitious goal of transforming preK - 12 education won't be accomplished by any individual alone, but by a diverse movement of leaders in government, school systems, nonprofits, and educational for - profit ventures.
This is a diverse movement filled with multiple perspectives and broad actions focused on many, many issues.
We are helping to build a diverse movement for educational equity led by and with communities, one that will hold decision - makers accountable and ensure that every child in every community across the nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.
We are helping to build a diverse movement for educational equity led by and with communities, one that will hold decision - makers accountable and ensure that every child has the opportunity to attain an excellent education.
Diverse movements including Impressi...
We need a diverse movement committed to justice for us all, and that takes effort and intention to make our organising accessible to all.
Photos should reflect how massive and diverse the movement is.
To build a strong, diverse movement inclusive of Planned Parenthood health centers» patient base, Planned Parenthood Action Fund engaged hundreds of reproductive health advocates to ask what THEY care most about this election.
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