Sentences with phrase «diverse public schools»

Researchers have not done a great job identifying the benefits of diversity, partly because the number of diverse public schools is dwindling.
We're interviewing kids at a high - powered private school, at an economically and culturally diverse public school, and at a large public school with almost all poor students.
3 out of the top 10 most diverse public schools in NJ (out of 2,512 schools) are charter schools located in Jersey City - The Ethical Community Charter School, Learning Community Charter School, and the BelovED Community Charter School.
On Friday, February 16, 2018, Harlem Hebrew Language Academy Charter School (for those tracking such things, one of NYC's most diverse public schools at 36 percent White, 30 percent Black, 29 percent Hispanic) dedicated the day to celebrating their neighborhood.
We oversee the state's diverse public school system, which is responsible for the education of more than six million children and young adults in more than 10,000 schools with 295,000 teachers.
He is working on a book for parents considering diverse public schools like Piney Branch.
Charter advocates who emphasize greater choice for students hope that eventually people will see a charter school as just one of a wide array of diverse public school opportunities available to students.
Since 2013, GO has convened an annual Teacher Policy Fellowship to support diverse public school teachers to develop their leadership skills and understanding of issues directly affecting teachers and students.
This grassroots approach to educational reform has created Morris Jeff as one of the most racially and economically diverse public schools in the history of New Orleans.
The interviews with the white, advantaged parents yielded much evidence that school choice policies allowing for the creation of more diverse public schools would be welcome by many of the parents who tend to have the most choice in the educational system.
A little more than a year has passed since the U.S. Supreme Court issued a sharply divided, 5 - 4 decision striking down two school districts» policies designed to create racially diverse public schools.
Far from a top - down initiative, driven from afar by nationalizers, privatizers and moneyed interests, the Core Task Project is homegrown, teacher - led, and the product of a mid-sized and diverse public school system.
Under King's leadership, Participant's first limited scripted drama series Central Park Five, directed by Ava DuVernay, will be released through Netflix, and Weyermann is working with acclaimed documentarian Steve James on the company's first unscripted series America to Me, a year - long look into one of America's most exemplary and diverse public schools in Chicago's suburban Oak Park.
He also served as Executive Director of Teaching and Learning at a 6 — 12 Secondary Campus with over 3,000 students, which is notably Ohio's most diverse public school.
This partnership serves to provide a group of diverse public school teachers, who are chosen through a rigorous selection process, with skills around peer and community engagement, facilitating focus groups, and communication strategies while giving them opportunities to amplify teacher voice to inform policy decisions.
Next year the company also expands into television with its limited scripted drama series Central Park Five, directed by Ava DuVernay, which will be released through Netflix, and acclaimed documentarian Steve James» unscripted series America to Me, a year - long look into one of America's most exemplary and diverse public schools in Chicago's suburban Oak Park.
James tells the story of Oak Park and River Forest High School, a well - funded, diverse public school in suburban Chicago, through the experiences of several of its students.
A minimum of two years teaching experience in a diverse public school setting preferred, but not required
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