Sentences with phrase «diversification by property type»

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B) Diversification: Such as exchanging into other geographical regions or diversifying by property type such as exchanging from several residential units into a retail strip center.
Seek to improve diversification versus a cap - weighted benchmark by reducing concentration at the property type and individual company levels
Look at your existing property portfolio to find where you need more diversification, by region or by property type
Rather than parking capital in a small number of big - ticket investments, investors are looking for diversification by investing in several properties across various property types and regions.
Are you holding a lot of similar property types and want to reduce risk or increase appreciation by diversification?
Also, Fitch views a move toward diversification (by geography and property type) as a positive sign for healthcare REITs.
You get better diversification by being able to invest in several different property types and in different locations across the country.
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