Sentences with phrase «diversity in film»

Previously we've talked about the problem of diversity in film from the perspective of the executives making the movies and the media covering them.
«I want to acknowledge what a difficult year 2017 has been for all of us,» said Chastain, who applauded the need for continued diversity in the film industry.
«The lack of diversity in the film industry is an industry - wide problem,» executive tells TheWrap in this week's «Office With a View»
Chastain delivered an incredible speech about the importance of diversity in film criticism.
The partnership will officially launch at the 5th Annual ARRAY Soiree at this year's Sundance Film Festival where DuVernay and Indiegogo co-founder, Danae Ringlemann, will host 50 industry influencers, executives and creatives for a discussion on the present state of diversity in film as well as brainstorming ideas for the future.
Cheryl Boone Isaacs, who is the president Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and a black woman, has struggled to enforce a change in diversity in film.
Ava DuVernay over the last few years has become a mighty presence in cinema, and an important voice that shines a light on diversity in her films and the stories she tells and while I Will Follow came first and Selma counted as her big break out moment, Middle of Nowhere is what officially started the stir.
Deadline good interview with Octavia Spencer on why she did Hidden Figures and diversity in film Coming Soon here's a super duper strange news item.
Redford, however, stressed that he values diversity in film.
What I love most though is how these two want to work, the projects they talk about, and how those projects will not only change the conversation about diversity in film but also begin a new conversation about black film.
Continuing to promote and support gender and racial diversity in the film business, the London Film Festival bestowed its best...
Yet gender diversity in film remains lacking enough that when two people passed out at a recent film - festival screening of Julia Ducournau's cannibalism coming - of - age tale, Raw — much to the director's surprise and dismay — it was not only noteworthy but also a perverse measure of progress.
By employing her own body as means of expression, Weems maintains that achieving more diversity in film and theatre is not simply a question of putting more non-white faces on the screen.
«I want to acknowledge what a difficult year 2017 has been for all of us,» said Chastain, who applauded the need for continued diversity in the film
at The Atlantic and «The Curious Case of the Missing Women in Film Criticism» at Variety both pushed the question of diversity in film criticism to its necessary boiling point.
After a particularly rough year for diversity in film, the Toronto festival has adjusted its sights, pushing an industry toward inclusion.
Ashley Judd, Salma Hayek and Annabella Sciorra — three of Harvey Weinstein's accusers — took the stage and introduced a segment highlighting the importance of diversity in film.
Amidst the debate surrounding the lack of diversity in film, Lionsgate releases «Dirty Grandpa», a racist, misogynistic, homophobic mess, complete with a...
Diversity in film has been called upon by every corner of the cinematic community and «Star Wars,» Lucas Films, and Walt Disney do not get enough credit in being of the first to fully embrace this notion into its most profitable franchise.
She issued the phrase like a decree, likely prompting viewers at home to Google the term: It's, essentially, a contract stipulation that requires certain kinds of diversity in a film's cast and crew, such as racial and gender balance.
While to some, diversity in film could seem like a trivial matter, for the millions of people who don't see themselves reflected on the screen, it's anything but.
Dear Mr. Edgar Wright, just bought blue ray version of scott pilgrim and I noticed that there is quite a lot of diversity in the film, most notably asians.
Artist Statement «A subject that I am very passionate about is the lack of diversity in film, books, offices, neighborhoods, and most of all schools.
Even more so than those films, however, Black Panther has become a cultural touchstone for moviegoers, and, hopefully, a wake up call for Hollywood, which has traditionally shied away from diversity in film.
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