Sentences with phrase «diverted by any distractions»

Oftentimes, our attention is diverted by distractions such as a big exam at the end of the week or an anticipated fraternity party after a football game.

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For a long time, brain scientists believed that maintaining focus in these situations required a cascade of mental events: momentary distraction, followed by the realization that our attention has been diverted and a conscious effort to bring it back on the task at hand.
«Bangs create a distraction by diverting the eye.
Despite a statewide ban on the use of hand - held devices while driving, countless people are injured every day on California roads by people who are making phone calls, sending or reading text messages, or allowing their attention to be diverted by some other distraction.
Texts and calls can wait until we are parked safely, we can stand listening to a four - minute song we despise, and we can ensure that our passengers get to our destination safely by not letting conversations or outside distractions divert our attention.
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