Sentences with phrase «divide their assets between»

Balanced portfolios tend to divide assets between medium - term investment - grade fixed income obligations and shares of common stocks in leading corporations, many of which may pay cash dividends.
In general, investors divide their assets between stock and bond type investments.
Which is why savvy investors divide their assets between stocks and bonds based on their financial goals and appetite for risk in the first place.
Courts use the same marital equitable property statutes and case laws when dividing assets between civil partners.
During divorce proceedings, most courts will distinguish between marital and separate property when determining how to divide assets between spouses.
Massachusetts is an equitable distribution state, so the court will divide these assets between the parties on the basis of fairness.
One family lawyer described the task of dividing the assets between warring couples who own a holiday home as like a game of pass the bomb.

Not exact matches

Cash Flow Return on Invested Capital (CFROIC) is defined as consolidated cash flow from operating activities minus capital expenditures, the difference of which is divided by the difference between total assets and non-interest bearing current liabilities.
Financial institutions continued to diversify their funding sources, borrowing predominantly in pounds sterling, euros and Canadian and US dollars, while asset - backed issuance was fairly evenly divided between US dollars and euros (Graph 59).
So you are torn between wanting to draw a line in the sand, sever all connection with your toxic mate and divorce, which means expense and dividing up the assets which for the vast majority of people means having to settle for a lower standard of accommodation, much lower.
So the present UK institutions — Parliament, the Bank of England, the BBC etc — would continue to serve the remainder of the UK, although their assets and liabilities would no doubt be divided between it and the new Scottish state.
Additionally, in its request to freeze funds, the government identified a May 2011 request by Silver to have his Counsel Financial assets divided between himself and his wife, Rosa.
On the investment side, I try to keep a clear asset allocation divided between my home country, US, international, and bonds.
Their strategy is to divide the fund's assets up between four teams, each pursuing distinct strategies with the whole being uncorrelated with the broad markets.
The other 30 % is already divided between four asset classes; there is simply no room for new ones.
When a couple splits the assets that were acquired during the union must be divided between each person.
Asset Allocation means how should you divide your money between various asset categories or classes such as equity, bonds, real estate, gold and Asset Allocation means how should you divide your money between various asset categories or classes such as equity, bonds, real estate, gold and asset categories or classes such as equity, bonds, real estate, gold and cash.
Considering these dynamics, we find duration (a measure of interest - rate risk) to be somewhat more concerning today than in recent memory and the prospects for risky assets will vary depending on how future duration moves are divided between breakevens and real rates.
Moderately aggressive model portfolios are often referred to as «balanced portfolios» since the asset composition is divided almost equally between fixed income securities and equities in order to provide a balance of growth and income.
For most people, asset allocation is how their investments are divided up between stocks and bonds.
This process will determine which overall asset classes will be used, and how your investments should be divided between these asset classes.
The fund achieves that goal in two different ways because the fund's assets are divided between two subadvisers.
The Division of Assets is responsible in a divorce case for dividing all marital property between the parties to the extent that the parties can not do themselves.
«The assets held by third - party conduits were divided between traditional assets (29 per cent) and synthetic, or derivative, assets (71 per cent).
After equitably dividing marital assets and liabilities between the parties, the court must decide the issue of alimony.
Property division in California follows the community property rule; all marital assets are to be equally divided between the two spouses.
Whether categorized as a liability or an asset, all marital property must be divided fairly between the parties.
When couples go through the process of divorce, they are required to divide the marital assets and debts between them.
After this procedure is performed, each spouse should own one corporation and the assets of the original corporation will have been divided between them.
Marital assets and the marital portions of hybrid assets are then divided between the parties.
In Florida, marital assets are divided equitably between the two spouses.
Equitable Distribution is the process by which the judge will allocate and divide the marital assets and liabilities between you and your spouse.
In a divorce, the court divides the money and assets between the spouses equitably.
All funds and assets, existing and due, go to the liquidator and is divided out between the creditors.
The same is true in family law: an income - generating asset can be treated as a source of income for a support order, or it can be treated as property that is divided between spouses in equitable distribution.
In divorce proceedings, there are often disputes over the way property, assets, and liabilities (debts) are divided between the two spouses.
The value of the trust was found to be the fair market value of its assets as of the date of adjudication (after taking into account the costs of distribution and any income tax liability) and it was ordered to be divided equally between the parties.
The general approach of the Court is that they have to look at what assets are available to be divided between the parties and that older children are not their first priority.
Generally, married spouses are believed to have contributed equally to a marriage; and upon dissolution, all of the assets and debts accumulated over the course of their marriage, except those which can be excluded, are equally divided between the two of them.
If you are considering estate planning to take care of your assets and divide them properly between your loved ones, experienced family lawyers like Family Lawyers Perth will tell you to write down the information they need before you make an appointment with them.
The mechanism for financial provision on separation as set out in the legislation may not always be the way the parties would wish their assets to be divided between them.
The English court has a wide discretion to investigate assets and divide them between the couples.
This advice is as varied as asset protection for medical professionals to helping an elderly surviving spouse divide up a lifetime of memories between children and grandchildren.
When dividing up an inheritance between multiple children, consider dividing assets and responsibilities equally, naming specific beneficiaries, and talking to your kids about your estate plan.
The Judge also determines what he or she thinks ought to be included with the marital property to be divided, the value of those assets, and how the assets (and debts) will be allocated as between the parties.
According to Paul Cillo, president of Vermont's Public Assets Institute, «The decline in the economic well - being of Vermont children documented in this report goes hand - in - hand with another troubling trend we see in Vermont: a growing divide between rich and poor.»
Community property assets are normally divided equally between you and your spouse.
Although California is a community property state — meaning that marital assets acquired during the marriage are split evenly between spouses — there are nuances to the general law that can affect whether a court will divide certain property or allow one party to retain sole possession.
Retirement assets are divided between the parties in a divorce, and are sometimes the couple's most valuable asset.
If you are divorcing or separating, there will undoubtedly be many aspects of your lives that will need to be considered in the separation, as well as assets to be divided between you.
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