Sentences with phrase «divided into»

Take a look at the comments here, we are divided into two camps that have no duty other than to hate eachother.
Modern life is divided into levels and aspects.
Culturally, of course, our country is divided into whole - hog Darwin affirmers and faith - based Darwin deniers.
But, as noted, this band of «realists» is itself divided into two distinctive schools or sub-traditions.
The periods of world history are divided into epochs, each of which is accentuated by the growth and decline of historical cultures and societies; in each of these shortlived tribal units have succeeded each other in the domination of a given region or section of the populated earth, either simply co-existing or vying with each other for temporary or semipermanent superiority.
Both the sciences and the humanities are further divided into narrower Wissenschaften, or academic disciplines.
In times when the relation with the Absolute enters into every sphere of existence men see meaning in their work, but in times like ours when life is divided into separate spheres men experience work as an inescapable compulsion.
Men can be roughly divided into three classes: those who dislike duty and refuse to do it; those who dislike it and drag themselves to it with reluctant consent; those who do their duty and thoroughly enjoy it.
Brzezinski has said: «The world can be seen as divided into two mankinds, living in two distinct cultures: the rich minority and poor majority.
In this dialectic the church is divided into two parts — the Church of Esau and the Church of Jacob.
It is at the social level rather than the political or the cultural that America remains divided into largely self - sufficient ethnic groups.
So, for these and other reasons, we do not now often see our society as one divided into wealthy exploiting owners and poor exploited workers.
Hertzke's analysis is divided into seven chapters.
The «gardening task» itself is divided into three interrelated sections: «Claiming Our Mothers» Roots,» «Clearing Our Space» and «Cultivating a Global Garden.»
Wounded soldiers were divided into three groups: those who would survive without treatment, those who would die regardless of treatment and, finally, those who would die unless treated immediately.
On the battlefronts of war, the wounded are divided into three groupings — those who will survive without medical help; those who will probably survive with medical help; and those who will probably not survive even with medical help.
The blood was divided into four small bottles, two of which were kept by John Paul's secretary Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz and two of which remained at the Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome, the Vatican said.
The metaphysics of nexus needs to be thoroughly discussed before that logic can be utilized adequately Accordingly, this paper is divided into two parts: in the first part, «The Metaphysics of Nexus,» the text of Process and Reality is examined in order to try to determine what White - head understood nexus to be; in the second part, «The Mathematics of Nexus,» nexus are interpreted in terms of the logic of relations.
Thus Herberg concluded with what became the book's most famous line: «America today may be conceived, as it is indeed conceived by most Americans, as one great community divided into three big sub-communities religiously defined.»
The conference discussions divided into six subjects, each being considered for an entire day, beginning with two thirty minute addresses, followed by four or five fifteen - and ten - minute addresses, and the rest of the day being given to open discussion.
Bisected by religious and political conflict in the 16th century, the Low Countries were divided into the Southern Netherlands, an appendage of Catholic Spain with Flanders at its heart, and the United Provinces or Dutch Republic, a newly minted, Protestant, entrepreneurial oligarchy whose growing pains sometimes seem uncannily predictive of our own.
4The fifth discourse may be divided into three sub-units each of which possesses internal thematic unity.
The remainder of this paper will be divided into three parts.
Once a finite quantum of space - time has been actualized by the concrescence of a new occasion, the quantum may be divided into smaller parts in accordance with the mathematics of the continuum.
Then the conference was divided into small groups of twenty or twenty - five, so that everyone had an opportunity to contribute to the discussion, which enriched the findings that came out of these discussions, representing, as far as possible, the general mind of the gathering.
What exists after concrescence can be divided into parts and arranged, but only after concrescence.
Now, we know for certain that the crust of the planet is divided into plates that move, and we know the boundaries of those plates.
In the late 19th century, under the deforming impact of dispensational pessimism and liberal optimism, the broad river of classical evangelicalism divided into a delta, with shallower streams emphasizing — ecumenism and social renewal on the left and confessional orthodoxy and evangelism on the right.
This idealist's picture of a social world divided into givers and receivers, while morally superior to a callous neglect of the needy, overlooks the fact that the benefactor receives as well as gives.
For example, a set of 8 objects is divided into 2 subsets of 4 objects each, and one subset is discarded.
The paper, accordingly, will be divided into two parts.
The results of this schism are with us still; it is not uncommon to find Baptist and «Christian» churches still facing one another across town squares and village lanes throughout Tennessee and Kentucky, just as New England Congregationalists divided into Old Lights and New Lights in the eighteenth century.
The paper is divided into five sections.
To achieve these aims the essay is divided into three sections.
Am not anti-Christ nor Anti-Jewish just like all Muslims am a monotheist so must be rather Anti-Polytheists & Disbelievers... but believe me it is not hatred but rather pityness for the innocents and hardness towards the wicked transgressors... Guess that is all about it unless few of our brother got the message wrong!?! Since we learned from the Quran verses that there will be in paradise from the Jews, Christian and others from other beliefs... and since God forgives any thing else other than to assign for him partners as polytheists do, then that means many of Christians and Jews are monotheist towards God although might show otherwise of fears from dominant doctrine... As it seems few Christians have realized some how they were wrong some where, then had to introduce that Trinity to correct it to show as if monotheist but made another mistake by having God the One Divided into Three then and remained Divided as Three as now and for eternity...!?
I do not mean simply that the world was divided into two quite separate systems, the capitalist and the communist.
The Muslim year is a lunar year divided into twelve months with the odd months having thirty days and the even having twenty - nine, with 354 days most years, but 355 days eleven years in each cycle of thirty.
In what seems to be the best text of this passage, however, the giving of the cup is divided into two acts.
Now these people, divided into occupational compartments of knowledge, skill and experience, are a kind of parable of what is happening in the realm of thought.
In North American higher education a curriculum is usually divided into discrete units or courses.
Those among the older established religious groups who have become dissatisfied with conventional religiosity may also be divided into those opting for direct political action and those seeking to form new religious communities.
Recently it has been divided into two departments with the general department continuing the old system and a special department which is composed of faculties of theology, jurisprudence, and the Arabic language, to each of which is attached a number of primary and secondary schools.
The 14 essays are divided into three categories: «Biblical and Historical Perspectives on Aging,» «Critical Perspectives on Modem Problems of Aging» and «The Christian Practice of Growing Old.»
On the question of the causes of alcoholism, the Yale ministers were again divided into categories.
This group is itself divided into five working groups which cover:
It has fifteen essays divided into four main sections: Faith and Reason, The Church, Conscience and Development of Doctrine.
For our purposes, the medical and psychiatric therapies may be divided into three categories according to their purpose: (1) those therapies that aid in the physical rehabilitation of the person suffering from the effects of an acute binge and / or prolonged excessive drinking over many years; (2) those that help to keep the addictive cycle broken and thus maintain sobriety for sufficient time to allow other therapies to take effect; (3) those that aim at lessening the alcoholic's personality problems — both those that contributed to the causation of his addiction and those resulting from the interpersonal chaos of progressive alcoholism.
How can we who truly love the Church founded by Christ be divided into factionstraditional and liberal, conservative and progressive, loyal and dissenting!
There is no biblical suggestion as to how these Commandments should be divided into two groups on the two tablets.
In the introduction, Porphyry suggests that those speculating on the nature of the embryo can be divided into four camps according to their views on the moment of ensoulment: with the creation and release of semen; when the embryo is first formed (between the first thirty and forty - two days of pregnancy); when the embryo first moves (between the first three and four months of pregnancy); and, finally, at birth.
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