Sentences with phrase «divided over his form»

Not exact matches

Divide the merengue into four portions, spread the first three over the marked circles to form your cake layers.
With the debate over welfare savings likely to form one of the central political battlegrounds of 2013, the deputy prime minister, speaking at a joint press conference with David Cameron at Downing Street, said: «I don't think it helps at all to try and portray that decision as one that divides one set of people against another, the deserving and the undeserving poor, people in work and out of work.»
Often these mutations make the cancer cells resistant to normal programmed cell death, and the cells will divide over and over, forming a solid tumor.
Within a few days, that single cell divides over and over again until it forms a blastocyst, a hollow ball of 150 to 200 cells that give rise to every single cell type a human body needs to survive, including the umbilical cord and the placenta that nourishes the developing fetus.
Divide filling among dough rounds; gather dough over filling to form a ball, pinching seam to seal.
44] Or even where there exists a divide it would be better not to dwell on that by constantly prioritizing it, super imposing it or letting it predominate all forms of debate and all domains of human existence or life itself as if it is the only or the most important factor of life over many other aspects of life.
Even as the party itself is divided over embracing Common Core standards, has a retrograde on education in the form of House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (who wants to eviscerate the strong accountability measures contained in the No Child Left Behind Act), and had a primary race for the presidential nod that had seen aspirants backtrack (of offer little information) on their respective school reform agendas, Republicans were able to paper over these issues thanks to strong calls by former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Texas teacher Sean Duffy, and onetime Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for expanding school choice, advancing Parent Power, and overhauling how teachers are recruited, trained, managed, and compensated.
The code in general is divided up into 11 articles, each containing language over various forms of commercial transactions:
And perhaps it was the quasi-domestic setting of an Upper East Side townhouse (with works by Bruce Nauman and Frank Stella hanging above the fireplace mantels, and the couple's double portrait, their forms encased in plaster by George Segal, presiding over the upstairs salon), but the atmosphere that afternoon reminded me of a shiva call, paid in honor of this dead couple and the art that once propelled them into the fishbowl of society, and later divided them.
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