Sentences with phrase «dividing marital assets»

For many couples, dividing the marital assets will take the most time and effort of any component of the...
For many couples, dividing the marital assets will take the most time and effort of any component of the divorce.
While military divorce functions similarly to standard divorce, there are several special considerations involved regarding how and where the case is filed, the process for dividing marital assets, spousal maintenance and child support provisions and other concerns.
Mr. Whitney's practice covers all areas of Family Law: Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Protecting and Dividing Marital Assets, Alimony, Separation Agreements and Domestic Violence Hearings.
framing and analyzing the fairness of different approaches to dividing marital assets and assigning debts with our own custom Excel ® marital property division tool;
Most couples understand the concept of divorce, which involves: Filing a petition with the court Paying a filing fee Dividing marital assets and debts...
There are two ways of dividing marital assets.
The court considers various factors when dividing marital assets, but fault is not one of them.
The laws set forth who is eligible for a divorce in Virginia, the grounds for divorce, the procedure for dividing marital assets and the eligibility for spousal support.
Divorce laws in Texas are complicated by the fact that, technically, it is a community property state, but in reality, judges have discretion in dividing marital assets.
Therefore, the more effective you are in explaining to the court why your proposal for dividing marital assets is the fairest option is critical.
The court will also consider each spouse's age, health, income and potential earning capacity when dividing marital assets.
Identifying, valuing and dividing marital assets and liabilities is critical to ensure that our client's property rights are vigorously defended.
Additionally, we counsel you on and assist you with negotiating all the terms of your divorce, including dividing the marital assets, child support and custody, as well as spousal support.
By dividing marital assets outside of Virgina court, the couple is able to take control of their property, finances, and future moving forward.
Additionally, dividing marital assets outside of court allows a couple to determine how such assets should be divided.
A divorce decree was issued dissolving the parties» marriage, dividing their marital assets, and awarding Wife spousal maintenance of $ 600 for 120 months.
After equitably dividing marital assets and liabilities between the parties, the court must decide the issue of alimony.
Such assets can be best defined by a lawyer when dividing marital assets in Virginia.
(idealawg, iSplit: Dividing marital assets on your iPad using an app based on Maria Montessori's ideas)
It is not just the business - like decisions that have to be made to divide the marital assets and liabilities, there are emotional issues that need to be resolved in a manner that meets the real needs of the divorcing parties and their children.
When couples go through the process of divorce, they are required to divide the marital assets and debts between them.
Equitable distribution is the process that divides the marital assets and liabilities.
She asserts that the trial court failed to consider the value of the husband's stock in his company, Long Electronics, when it divided the marital assets.
Equitable Distribution is the process by which the judge will allocate and divide the marital assets and liabilities between you and your spouse.
Postnuptial Agreements are much like prenuptial agreement — they are marital contract where the husband and wife divide their marital assets.
However, a spouse may, under special circumstances, ask that the court unequally divide the marital assets or liabilities.
Community property laws generally divide marital assets right down the middle, as opposed to equitable distribution states which seek to divide marital assets fairly, rather than exactly equal.
In Michigan, courts attempt to equitably divide marital assets in a divorce by attempting to achieve congruence.
If the marriage should end, the state will step in and divide marital assets and finances as it sees fit.
If the equitably divided marital assets will adequately provide for each party, no alimony should be awarded.
To Divide Marital Assets and Debts Fairly in a Florida Divorce, Help from Experienced Attorneys Is Paramount
To divide marital assets and debts fairly in a Florida divorce, help from experienced attorneys is essential.
In determining how to best divide marital assets and debts, the court will consider what each spouse brought into the marriage.
Nevada is a no - fault state, it really doesn't matter whether either party to a divorce in Nevada cheated or not; the court doesn't take it into consideration at all when it comes time to divide marital assets.
Next, the court will divide your marital assets equitably, which means fairly, but not necessarily equally.
During the divorce proceeding, the court will divide marital assets and award alimony, if necessary.
Pennsylvania law requires the court to divide marital assets and debts in a fair and equitable manner.
However, courts in the state have discretion as to how to divide marital assets.
When the court issues a judgment of absolute divorce, the judge will divide your marital assets according to the principals of equitable distribution.
Legal separation allows a couple to divide marital assets and liabilities, and if they have children, it allows the couple to obtain court orders for child custody, support and visitation.
Illinois law follows a system of equitable distribution to divide your marital assets.
The petition asks the court to divide marital assets and liabilities and issue orders for child custody, child support and spousal support.
Whether spouses separate or divorce, a Michigan court will divide the marital assets equitably.
«Our firm assists women and their divorce attorneys with determining the most advantageous way to divide marital assets.
However, you must still divide your marital assets, and resolve custody and support for your children.
Can you get a divorce without having to divide marital assets and debts?
A mediator will give you all the information need on Massachusetts divorce law, on your custody options, ways you can equitably divide your marital assets, and how to craft a separation agreement that will be approved by the judge and will serve your family's needs.

Not exact matches

In addition, Wilson wrote that «The basis of a home or other financial assets is also often overlooked when dividing marital property.»
A: Hi Sonja, I am sorry that you and your ex are in the process of dividing up your marital assets.
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