Sentences with phrase «divine act»

Furthermore, if life is to issue out of so genuine a death as this a new divine act of creation is necessary.
Originally this was thought of as a series of original divine acts through which the world as it essentially is now was brought into being.
He lays great emphasis on the decisiveness and uniqueness of both, as divine acts which are Creative in themselves.
It would have been extremely odd if he had not been married, particularly during that 33 year period between his birth and divine acts near the end of His life which was left out of the Bible.
This view entails a complete dismantling of traditional Christian doctrine, including: creation out of nothing, the finite duration of history and nature, miracles as direct divine acts, and the final triumph of good over evil.
In view of the central importance of this doctrine it matters less whether it is readily accepted by our contemporaries, provided that its message is not interpreted in a narrow, selfishly individualistic sense, but that the gracious divine act which opens man to God is from the beginning understood also as creating authentic community among men.
For God all events happen at once, so that there is a single eternal divine act.
Further, resurrection was regarded as a future divine act which had special reference to those who had died a martyr's death.
That incredible divine act that brought God into human history.
The consummation of the kingdom is a purely divine act.
Throughout Gates» artistic career and especially during his time at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, the need for divine acts to have material and human vessels has undergirded his investigations.
Discernment of this and other revelatory events requires that we belong to the inner life of a faith community that perceives its very identity as having been founded by the story of divine acts of fidelity to the promise.
When Zeke finds refuge with cousins in Virginia horse country, divine acts in the form of severe weather, illness, and a new romance collide, leading Zeke to a crossroads where he must decide the fate of his family.
There is more reason now than when Whitehead wrote to understand the establishment of these constants as a divine act.
I am very glad that you have been baptized as an infant — yet, don't assume that it was a magical act — it was no magical act but a divine act.
He who believes these divine acts — the incarnation, death, and resurrection of a divine being — can obtain salvation.
He believes there is some point to the criticisms that Bultmann dissolves Christology into soteriology, 3 for he has been unable «to express in an adequate way the «objective» reality of the revelatory event Jesus the Christ «4 even though he does «intend a divine act in the fully real and «objective» sense.
The divine act of bestowing being on things is the very act of self - revelation.
The question remains, however, how — in St Thomas's view — the body develops to the stage where it is ready to receive a rational soul, by a divine act of infusion.
We have spoken of the Easter message in terms of the glorification or exaltation of the crucified Jesus, a divine act by which God was believed to have made Jesus both Lord and Messiah.37 In the New Testament the resurrection of Jesus is primarily to be understood not as an act of Jesus (he rose) but as an act of God (he was raised by God).
It may have been written to celebrate the divine act by which Israel believed herself delivered from exile in Babylon, which, so far as Israel was concerned, was no better than Sheol, the underworld of the dead.
And the interference in the Pharaoh's decisions was obviously an abnormal, divine act.
There is a common Hebrew word, usually translated as «take» or «receive», which was used to signify the divine act by which, it was believed, God sometimes delivered men from the extinction of life entailed by death.
It is not by accident that Jesus founds his revolutionary response to the Pharisees on a divine act: «That which God has united,» he says.
Pointing to the divine act of deliverance in the Exodus, we claim that God is a liberating God who has a preferential bias toward the poor and oppressed.
Everybody, who has received the sacramental baptism (a further designation of this divine act), is able to follow Jesus, according to the demands of the Sermon of the Mount.
it is a divine act people should be having more, yes that goes double for you.
Where I differ from Neville is in the belief that this divine act of being does not proceed from a totally indeterminate source but is rather the nature or common principle of activity for the three divine persons of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity who thus have a common past, present and future in terms of their relations to one another as well as with reference to all their creatures (cf. Bracken, The Divine Matrix 138 - 40).
«The flood is described in natural terms as the effects of sins (of violence in particular) with no divine act of intervention; only with the subsiding of the waters is God's activity stated explicitly» (Fretheim, God and World, 80).
This means that the divine act of creation is attributable to the divine nature (rather than to divine personhood).
The Incarnation, then, is Christ «coming into His own» as a divine act of love; this was always God's plan.
So no, no divine acts of leaking blood are taking place right now.
That's more than mere happenstance; that's a divine act.
Many religions consider an anonymous gift to be a divine act.
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