Sentences with phrase «divine intelligence»

It's our responsibility to keep going deeper with the practice of yoga, finding the balance between what we learn and what we «download» from divine intelligence as we practice.
Some call this deeper connection divine intelligence, source energy, or infinite knowing.
Evolutionary theists would concur with the IDT advocates that at some point the search for adequate explanation must appeal to the notion of divine intelligence — or better, divine wisdom — if the idea of God is to have any relevance at all, However, they are not obsessed with the idea of design.
By contrast, an incandescent light bulb is only 10 % efficient - 90 % of the energy is lost as heat: science does not even come close to matching divine intelligence.
By «argument to design» Ruse is referring to natural theology's claim that organized complexity can not be fully accounted for naturalistically, but requires divine intelligence.
We are fashioned with a brilliant operating system that has our biology taking direct orders from divine intelligence.
Why are you comparing science to divine intelligence as a cause or responsible party for something, awanderingscot?
scot Are you seriously suggesting that a natural bioprocess being efficient is evidence of a «divine intelligence»?
One can not prove to another the existence of a divine intelligence that designed, encapsulates and is present within the beauty and precision of all existence.
The other attributes that Professor Dawkins mentions in his list are all consequences of the divine intelligence; though we can add that God's readiness to forgive sins is not something that can be deduced with certainty by philosophy alone.
Read this excerpt last night and thought about our kids: «When a child first catches adults out - when it first walks into his grave little head that adults do not have divine intelligence, that their judgments are not always wise, their thinking true, their sentences just - his world falls into panic desolation.
At first glance, intelligent design looks like the same argument that evolution's foes have made since 1859, when Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species: Only a divine intelligence could have created something as complex as life on Earth.
A divine intelligence in command of chaos could manipulate a vast number of quantum events with just a few well - chosen controls.
It was especially important to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, war, and divine intelligence; and Zeus, god of sky, thunder, and justice.
She also encourages you to follow the divine intelligence of your body above and beyond her instructions at all times, so you are truly listening and responding to your body's cues.
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