Sentences with phrase «divine plan for our lives»

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Discussing at length three biological structures that ID supporters cite as evidence of «irreducible complexity» (and therefore the need, they say, for divine intervention), Collins shows how ID remains no more than a modern version of a «god of the gaps» hypothesis, which posits a «clumsy Creator, having to intervene at regular intervals to fix the inadequacies of His own initial plan for generating the complexity of life» and therefore completely unsatisfactory.
Because we believe in divine presence, power, and authority, we know that we should plan our way, making wise, informed decisions about every aspect of life, including voting, but we must also conduct ourselves like those who believe that their God is faithful and true to his promises for his people and his plans to renew the world.
The divine plan for us includes living in union with others.
Mission is to equip men & women to learn, live, & share the beauty of the divine plan for human life, love, and sexuality in a new evangelization.
Mission is to equip men & women to learn, live, & share the beauty of the divine plan for human life, love, and sexuality in a new evangelization.
Mission is to equip men & women to learn, live, & share the beauty of the divine plan for human life, love, and sexuality in a new evangelization.
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