Sentences with phrase «divorce does»

When your divorce doesn't work out as amicably as you had hoped, you then get even more angry at your soon - to - be-ex.
Our Arizona legal separation attorneys have the experience and knowledge to help you through a legal separation in Arizona if a divorce does not suit your needs.
Remember that your divorce doesn't end the day that your judgment is signed.
Mediation: Divorce does not have to mean war.
Divorce doesn't mean you have to walk through this alone.
Because there is nobody in a mediation process with the job of helping the client stay focused on the goal and participate with maximum effectiveness, mediation can become stalled when it runs into obstacles, more easily than Collaborative Divorce does, and, therefore, take longer.
But divorce doesn't have to destroy everyone and everything.
What Divorce Does to Your Health.
But when you file for divorce doesn't really matter — what matters is how you divorce, especially if you have young children.
Divorce does not doom children to years of emotional problems or lifelong dysfunction.
When both sides are working together, a divorce doesn't necessarily need to enter the courtroom.
She is the author of Divorce Doesn't Have to Be That Way; A Handbook for the Helping Professional (Impact Press, 2006).
Divorce doesn't necessarily mean the destruction of a family business 28 - Apr - 2016 Contested, litigated divorces can be devastating to a closely - held family business and their employees.
Also, just because your friend or loved one is going through a divorce doesn't mean they stop being themselves.
It's important to remember that divorce doesn't change one important fact: A dad or mom who lives somewhere else is still your dad or mom.
A divorce does not have to mean a lengthy, expensive court battle where no one wins.
«Divorce does not doom children, but children have a leg up on life if their parents have a reasonably healthy marriage and make it work,» says Scott M. Stanley of the University of Denver and the author of The Power of Commitment: a Guide to Active, Lifelong Love.
Just because couples divorce does not mean mothers and fathers are not interested in parenting, Snow said.
That one in four married people have recently pondered divorce does not seem to bear out this assumption.
A no fault divorce refers to a type of divorce in which the spouse that is filing for divorce does not have to prove any fault on the part of the other spouse.
Divorce does not have to involve intense hostility and stress.
Mann has shepherded more than two thousand couples through the divorce mediation process, so she knows that divorce does not have to be a bitter ordeal.
That is to say that just because a family is going through a divorce does not necessarily mean they are suddenly completely bereft of any ability to make thoughtful decisions for their own and their family's future, and have no choice but to offload those life - changing decisions to a third party who does not know them or their family.
Her conviction is that divorce does not have to be destructive: through clear communication and respectful decision - making, families can heal and grow.
Divorce doesn't have to be a complicated, stressful, and costly process.
On a different but related note, one of the reasons Collaborative Divorce does in fact work so well for so many clients is the way the process includes both neutral professionals (to help keep the case from feeling like an us versus them exercise) as well as non-neutral advocates for the parties.
It goes without saying that divorce does have a major emotional and psychological effect on children.
Divorce does not have to be the answer to your problems.
Divorce doesn't have to be a war that everyone loses.
Divorce does not have to destroy your assets.
'' If you're a parent, divorce doesn't end your relationship with your former spouse.
We understand that divorce does not begin the day you pick up the phone to call us, nor does it end after your court hearing.
Divorce does not have to be a bitter ordeal — and no one knows this better than BJ Mann, a leading divorce mediator in Upstate New York who has shepherded more than two thousand couples through the divorce mediation process.
No matter how contentious you and your ex-spouse's relationship was, your divorce doesn't have to be a brutal battle.
Studies reveal that divorce does not necessarily harm children, and in some instances may improve children's lives.
Divorce does not need to be adversarial.
But divorce does not have to acrimonious.
Question: what if i had a car before the divorce does he have a right to come get it with his set of keys where ever it is?
A divorce does not have to leave you emotionally and financially bankrupt if you hire a progressive lawyer who really looks out for your best interests now and in the future.
Of course, understanding the various stages of divorce doesn't guarantee that your divorce will be amicable or quick.
Nancy Lugo, pro bono manager of Bay Area Volunteer Lawyers Program, believes the collaborative process sets up clients to move forward in a way traditional divorce does not.
Divorce doesn't have to be a knock - down, drag - out fight, but it can be.
Divorce doesn't need to be a competition.
Negotiating a settlement agreement is one of the most effective ways to ensure your divorce doesn't follow this route.
You can usually complete a mediation in a couple months, so your divorce doesn't have to drag out interminably.
Divorce does not have to be a destructive process.
Divorce does not relieve either parent of the obligation to financially support their children.
Control and guilt over divorce does not correlate with custody preferences.
An uncontested divorce doesn't have to be a particularly friendly affair, but it will allow disputes to be resolved outside of the courtroom.
Make sure your choice to divorce does not cause your child to suffer unnecessarily.
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