Sentences with phrase «do love our children»

Do you love children and want to start a business focused on babies or kids?
BralenX, God does love his children but I don't think He likes it when they do something wrong.
Forget the e-mail, folks, and focus on the other VERY disturbing attributes and practices of this profoundly bizarre woman, but who DOES love her children and is a good Mom to them, as much as I can tell.
Do I love my children immensely and enjoy being an at - home parent?
But I've found that most parents do love their children, even if they don't always like their behavior.
Do you love your child but are not really «liking» or wanting to spend time with him?
The Do's Do love your children as much as possible.
Even if someone else did love the child, the child would always feel unsafe and rejected because of being rejected by you.
However, they do love children and get along with other pets when introduced to them correctly, they are also great watch dogs, barking loudly when someone enters their territory, but never harming them.
They do love children and are extremely sensitive to your feelings.
We really do LOVE our children so much and want to do what's right for them; that is why we contacted a rescue group.
Last year, shortly before imposing a criminal contempt sentence on a mother who had repeatedly and blithely interfered with my client's visitation, the judge asked her: «Do you love your child more than you hate the other parent?»
Why does their loving child not want to see them?

Not exact matches

The hard thing for some people is researching stuff they're not into — like visiting the children's museum if you don't have kids — but I love uncovering new gems.
The LEGO Group primarily designs its products for children, but that doesn't mean adults don't love them, too.
loved the fact that this one carrier is suitable for use from the newborn days all the way until a child weighs 40 pounds as well as the fact that it «does not require inserts» to accommodate those youngest babies.
A mom blogger who runs the delightfully named site loved the fact that this one carrier is suitable for use from the newborn days all the way until a child weighs 40 pounds as well as the fact that it «does not require inserts» to accommodate those youngest babies.
A recent Wall Street Journal article offers a pretty definitive answer: As tempting as it can be to protect your child out of love, don't indulge your kid's anxieties unless you want to make them worse.
But parents who emphasized warmth over distinctiveness (telling them «I love you» instead of «you're special») raised children who were happy with who they are but didn't feel superior to others.
Your children will model their behavior based upon yours — if you're not educated enough to explain to your kids why taking drugs is dangerous, don't give them tacit license to use because you did,» says Dennis Poncher, author and founder of the support group network Because I Love You.
The guest doesn't seem to have a clue about what he is talking and what I love about it is how arrogant the dude is about the business that he owns and the work that he does (which he makes it sound more important than feeding the hungry children of Africa or something).
It's not that you don't love your children.
Children growing up in Selamta homes were healthier, did better in school, and reported feeling safer and more loved than children growing up in orphanages or on theChildren growing up in Selamta homes were healthier, did better in school, and reported feeling safer and more loved than children growing up in orphanages or on thechildren growing up in orphanages or on the street.
I love my children but that doesn't mean I am happy with some of their actions but I don't stop loving them just because they did something wrong.
But don't you dare go making sweeping generalizations of secular people who are kind, peace loving and law abiding... unlike some people of faith who harbor child abusers within their own confines.
@Calus Here is another good example of a «deep thinking» and a «loving» humanitarian, who thinks that «they» (women, children...) should not be allowed to live, just because of a difference in an opinion and that they (whoever «they» might be) are stupid because «they» don't think, act, or look the same.
I love my children but I sure couldn't imagine torturing them for an eternity because I gave them free will to try to do what's right.
This Harry did with a light that had its origin in love that destroyed all darkness in its various forms (man, women, beast and child.)
She wasn't only preparing her family, she was preparing herself; because if you truly love the child you are carying, the thought of explaining his condition doesn't cross your mind.
reborners, everyone of them, is absolutely clueless, brainwashed, has a book do all their thinking, reparded, is an imbecile, indoctrinated, duped by his parents, abused by priests, hates almost everyone, is a hypocrite, unthinking, addicted to religion, closed - minded, untrustworthy, greedy, two - faced, cheap, shallow, biased, republican, racist, uneducated, materialistic, boring, bland, judgmental, w / o love and knowledge of the bible, child abusing abortionists and genocidal cowboys and pro-slavery
when your mother / sister / cousin / daughter gets r / a / p / ed by some ass, remember you want her to give birth to that child because «GOD» made that baby and don't expect a dime from the governement to help with that «love child» seeing you want the governement to «stay out of your life»... but it's ok if they mess with everyone else based on your idea of «GOD» and what you think is right and just in fairy land.
We've got work to do, children to raise, meetings to get to, appointments to keep, friends to connect with, spouses to love.
The number one issue is abortion on every agenda, yet this is an issue which is not stopped by legislation, it is stopped by attacking poverty, by increasing love for children, by accepting everything a sinner does — instead the goal is secular laws, shaming women with ultrasounds.
Tell me, little Unborn Child, what did the Creator say?Did He wrap you in His love, and wipe your tears away?You hover on the edge of time.I see your faceless form.You laugh whenever children play, Oh, God, for you I mourn!He sent His only Precious Sonto teach us all «the Way.»
Now, Job after his bought with «pride» he ask YHWH for his forgiveness, and was later blessed with more sons and daughters who did the law, who were good children and an even better wife, and he lived for four generations of his children and their children, and died a very happy and fulfilled life, knowing that all of his family was left with love, and peace and togetherness among each other, now this is true life, living righteously and wholesome by ourselves and by others around us is what we are all suppose to live like, caring for your neighbors faithfully, and all be as one now not after it is too late but now we need the law of righteousness from YHWH, the 10 commandments, the sabbath, a day of rest, and the passover to remember the ones who died innocently, and to remember the freedom of our lives given by YHWH and do good by one another and not let each other fall, right now is what we need in this world today people.
I guess it is foolish for a mother to protect her child or a police man to get in the way of bullet, but this is what you do for your fellow person and shows the greatest kind of love.
Before they can understand the messages in the Bible (or any written or spoken thought), children must learn to understand language, but they do not need to understand words to feel and express love.
And when a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful relationship, has every option open to her, [and] decides she does not wish to bear a child; and has access to a safe, affordable abortion — there is not a tragedy in sight — only blessing.
I will give credence to all of these if you can answer just one thing for me — how do you rationally explain your love for your wife and children?
Don't you see that children, 4, 5, 6 year olds can come to the same basic belief as you have, and they do not arrive there by using reasoning abilities, but are usually lead there out of fear or love, two very powerful emotiondo not arrive there by using reasoning abilities, but are usually lead there out of fear or love, two very powerful emotions?
God is love, but love does involve discipline (think children, boundaries, etc.) Christians do acknowleged that God does have emotions.
You do not need a god to understand love... just look in a young child's eyes when listen to their mother or father.or consider the intense feelings of closeness and harmony between two people in love... young or old.
kendallpeak I'd say that about 90 % of parents end up keeping pets that their children have picked up as strays and fallen in love with, but that doesn't mean that keeping the animal was a sound choice, or will ultimately prove to be.
«Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do unto me» «Love your neighbour as yourself» «If anyone harms a child, it would be better if he had been thrown into the millpond with the millstone around his neck» «Let he little ones come to me for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven»
It makes no sense that God, in his infinite love, would do so, whether the child asked it or not.
if not, i pray for you and i will set up missionaries all across the globe to make sure that the rest of the lost souls also find Santa Clause within them... let's first begin with donations; only from your heart and soul, and because of your kindness... no other agenda... Santa Clause loves you my dear... he has touched my heart so I know he exists... and I want you to believe in Santa Clause as well so you don't have to burn in hell... i want to save your soul my child... come pray with me...
It has been my opionion that the mormon church did not open its priesthood to blacks prior to 1978 was not because Gd doesn't love all of his children.
Caitlin Flanagan, with her «I'm so put upon because I work and keep house, but marriage is better for the children» thinking, and Sandra Tsing Loh, with her «Don't bother, you'll only get burned» bitterness, have (not surprisingly) missed the point that unsterilized marriage is a great adventure, one that opens your horizons to love beyond self - satisfaction.
Everything we create, the mouths we feed, the sick for whom we care, the environments we clean up, the children we nurture, the spouse you love, the friends with whom we weep and rejoice, the hard work at our jobs, the kindness we offer strangers, the art we make — it all matters, and not just for now, because everything you do for God matters for eternity.
Luke 6:35 But love you your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing... John 13:35 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have... Ephesians 5:1 Be you therefore followers of God, as dear children; 1 John 3:9 Whoever is born of God does not commit sin; for his seed remains....
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