Sentences with phrase «do during these cold»

I put on a conscious surge at the end, over the last 10 yards, and slapped my hand into the wall as hard as I'd ever done during the Cold War.
Even when done during a cold and dark Swedish winter day: --RRB-
OTOH if you want the capability for unimaginably massive retaliation, as the USA and USSR did during the Cold War, it's cheaper to implement using a mix of submarines, land - based missiles and aircraft than submarines alone.
Fear and loathing may be what drives America's space future, just as it did during the Cold War.
The best thing to do during these cold days?
Of course, for comfort reasons, you might still want to do that during a cold day such as when you're about to go snow driving.

Not exact matches

And because the drones rely on lithium - ion batteries that don't always do well in the bitter cold during PyeongChang winters, Intel (intc) tested the drones in Finland to evaluate their performance under similar conditions.
The new armaments don't make the Stryker a fighting vehicle, but Meissel said the search for heaftier weapons stems from the reduction in manpower in Europe from 300,000 during the Cold War to about 30,000 now.
Katherine would take ice - cold baths or showers during childhood and for the rest of her life — she would advise others to do so as well.
The Great Plains and the Midwestern part of the United States have experienced extremely cold temperatures during the early spring as that is causing some concerns on crop yields as I do think wheat prices could test the $ 5 level possibly in next week's trade.
But using data from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's National Temperature Index (NTI), we found that cold weather during the winter months (December, January and February) does not have a meaningful implication for stock market returns.
The news and events of today are no worse than during the height of the Cold War, or during WW1 or WW2, but overall it is true that man's world gets progressively worse and will continue to do so until man's effort to deny and hide from God reaches its cl - imax.
I have never been uncomfortable at all about sitting with the ladies, hugging, holding hands during prayer... I will probably pick up more colds and virus from my grandkids, but that won't keep me from hugging them, so why should it keep me from hugging a person who doesn't have a home to go to.
Government propaganda encouraged an apocalyptic worldview during the cold war, as it does now, when we wage an open - ended «war on terrorism.»
And we do know that due to a lack of preparation, as the end times draw near, and also during the end times, the love of many will grow cold (Matt.
Psychological Warfare Operations got their biggest boost during the Cold War — and our US Gov» t frequently did indoctrination techniques on the American people.
And I suppose that you are using the word «comrade» as some sort of reference to Communism, which you associate with every person or idea that does not fit in with your ignorant view of the world, however during the Cold War the minority of the Middle Eastern Muslim cultures that hated the US tended to be even more hostile to the Soviets (who where officially Atheist).
It was also his custom, during the space of twenty - five years, provided he was staying in the convent, never to go after compline in winter into any warm room, or to the convent stove to warm himself, no matter how cold it might be, unless he was obliged to do so for other reasons.
In a time which did not know modern medicine, the theft of a garment, put aside during a warmer day, could result not only in the owner's bitter suffering from cold through the night, but actually to complications leading even to death.
Had I come of age during the great crisis of 1914 — 1945, or even during the tense, early decades of the Cold War, it's likely I, too, would have sought to defuse the consolidated energies of sovereign peoples, which is what the founders of what became the European Union did in the years after the war.
And though it's like the desert here in Southern California (it being 82 ° during the holidays probably didn't help my attitude at the time), many of you are experiencing some very cold weather, and are looking for a simple and hearty stew to heat things up.
But during the cold and flu season, we do whatever we can to adopt healthy eating habits and bolster our immune systems.
Wine does not like extremes of temperature: hot humid summer and cold winter weather may adversely affect the condition of your wine during shipment.
I want a dessert that doesn't have to be kept cold so that my guests (and I) can grab a little something sweet whenever the urge hits us during the game.
The chili doesn't have meat, but includes beans, vegetables and fruits (tomatoes) which warms up a body during the cold months.
During the colder months I do cook Miss ND's oats after soaking overnight, I think little ones need something warm in their tummies in the morning before braving the elements before school.
One of the things I've learned during the candida diet is that cutting sugar cold turkey doesn't have to be as hard as we make it out to be.
This works well if you do not venture out into the cold temperatures to grill during the winter months, too.
I found that I missed cereal, but that it wasn't as bad during the cold months — but I was wondering what I was going to do on another summer morning.
I don't think I'm alone in hoping for more games on Saturday — specifically during cold and dreary winter afternoons — but we'll take what we can get.
Let me ask you this, how cold does it get during the winter there?
i turn it up a few degrees during the day if we're really cold... i do run a little heater in the baby's room because she's the only one who doesn't stay covered up and i worry... it can get even colder than 65 in her room... i haven't signed onto the crunchy chicken challenge either... because 65 seems so high compared with her folks!
i am ok with me being cold and hubby is too but i do nt want the babe to be cold so i keep it on 67 during the day and 71 - 72 at night.
It does an amazing job of clearing the nasal passages during cold and allergy season.
The risk of catching a cold, RSV, the flu, or another infection, is the main reason that you don't want to take your baby out much during her first few months.
During the activity, periodic drinking should be enforced, for example, each 20 minutes, 5 oz of cold tap water or a flavored sports drink for a child weighing 90 lbs, and 9 oz for an adolescent weighing 130 lbs, even if the child does not feel thirsty.
Having a newborn during the coldest time of year in one of the coldest states, does pose some challenges for the parents.
I live in a place where it is pretty cold in the winter and it does help with not startleing your baby during middle of the night changes.
Babies don't have the ability to regulate their own body temperature that adults have, so it's important to make sure they're not too cold or overheating, especially during the night time.
and I do explain that it tastes so much better if he eats in during his first recess (snack time) because it is nice and fresh and cold from the fridge, etc..
Do you want to keep your feet more comfortable and warm?if you do.which boots is your first consideration?admire the fashion lady dressing on street or magazine?ugg boots is your best choice.ugg boots come with a sheepskin lining that helps to eliminate moisture and keep your feet warm and dry during the cold winter months.
«Breastfeeding doesn't guarantee protection against colds, but it is generally advised to continue nursing during minor illnesses to offer the nursling the continued benefits of breast milk,» explains Natero.
I think most runners don't realise how important these pieces of equipment can be if you like to run outside during the cold winter months.
Do your kids have cabin fever during these cold winter days?
No sooner did the UPMC study issue, however, then came a second study by the Virginia Tech - Wake Forest researchers [4]- this one of an older group of 9 - to 12 - year - old football players - which found that reducing the number of head hits in practice did not lead to higher force impacts during games, precisely as they had predicted would be the case if the amount of contact was reduced during practice, and pouring a significant amountg of cold water on the UPMC study.
And since our kiddo tosses and turns resulting in every blanket balled up in a corner in his crib, I don't worry about him getting too cold during the night.
I don't know about you, by my skin suffers during the cold and windy weather, especially when you add in the dry air of indoor heating.
Pour cupfuls of bath water over her regularly during the bath so she doesn't get too cold.
I didn't notice a difference until today, but look at how much more the milk I produced Friday resembles colostrum (The super milk full of antibodies and leukocytes you make during the first few days after birth) and this comes after nursing the baby with a cold all night long.
We know that you want your child to be warm and cozy during the cold winter months, but we do recommend that you remove any heavy clothing or coats before securing your child in their car seat.
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