Sentences with phrase «do good agricultural practices»

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Another step change came a year later when the annual scorecards moved to a fully electronic system, and it moved to a «good agricultural practice» approach, with scorecards weighted to «major must - dos», «minors» and «recommended».
Where laws and / or regulations do not exist or are in conflict with generally accepted best practice, suppliers should adopt the highest standard applicable to their situation by reference to leading safety standards such as the Global Food Safety Initiative and Global G.A.P. McCormick expects that all agricultural suppliers will take steps to ensure that agricultural products can be traced back to their source of origin regardless of whether or not this is legally required.
The regulations state that human consumption of food does not constitute «exposure» for purposes of warning notification under the Act to the extent that chemicals are naturally - occurring in agricultural products, were not added by any known human activity, and were not avoidable by good agricultural or good manufacturing practices [Title 27, California Code of Regulations, Section 25501 (3)(1)-RSB-.
This will ultimately change agricultural practices for the better, and will do more to help insure food quality and safety for ourselves and for our companion animals than more government regulations and oversight at tax payers expense.
I note how the Web can greatly facilitate the dissemination of best practices or great ideas just as agricultural extension services have done — but on a global scale:
While few of us are likely to start bumblebee breeding programs to boost genetic diversity, we might do well to plant pollinator - friendly gardens, support sustainable agricultural practices, and encourage the world to move from conservation into habitat restoration and earth repair as we enter 2011.
We could probably do very much better than 10 % if we include the efforts by conservationists to reforest and improve agricultural management practices in addition to Savory's method of restoring desertified ground and improvement of rangeland.
I'd rather not have to go the route of adding fungus DNA to my corn, for example, if we don't have to, and smarter agricultural practices seems a better place to start.
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