Sentences with phrase «do ice cream sundaes»

This is how the French do ice cream sundaes.
Since I haven't blogged in so long, I wanted to make it a special one and in honor of my mother, I did the ice cream sundae theme about bears because she loves Teddy Bears.

Not exact matches

I'd bet an ice cream sundae to your PFC that said soldier * beat * your numbers in all ways, and you're the whiner because you just don't like hearing anybody «diss your disrespectable, disreputable, disintegrating myth of a religion.
Like an ice cream sundae bar lined with the best toppings, so does this restaurant treat their french toast.
-- If you don't feel comfortable baking gluten - free cake or cupcakes, try making an ice cream cake or offer a make - your - own ice cream sundae bar and have a multitude of toppings including sprinkles (or «jimmies,» as we say in Philadelphia), chocolate chips, M&M s, chocolate sauce and whipped cream.
PS — If you don't feel like turning on your oven, how about hot fudge ice cream sundaes?
People didn't seem to mind it, but they were bothered by the fact that we didn't serve our ice cream sundaes with those neon red maraschino cherries.
I haven't slept well for the last couple of nights, my little princess is fighting with flu and ear infection, the weather has gone all cold on us in Helsinki, the temperatures have dropped down 10 - 11 °C in less than 24 hours, I also had my last filling and tooth «cover» done yesterday, so once again I have looked like a tomato and felt crappy, etc... Not the best week and sometimes, no matter how positive you try to think and deal with everything, sometimes you just need this one day to simply feel like * hit, cry it out if you have to and have a nice comfort in form of chocolate bar or an ice cream sundae... That's what this day will serve me for and hopefully tomorrow will be much better.
Did You Know: Ithaca is considered the birthplace of the ice cream sundae, which was first served up in 1892.
Right, I've just gone on about how the game plays bloody beautifully and looks better than an ice cream sundae, but how much does it relate and compare to the other DOOM games in the franchise?
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