Sentences with phrase «do less violence»

It merely points out that within the framework of traditional theism it is difficult to say which of the two options would do less violence to that premise.
For the sake of simplicity the generally accepted Arabic spelling of names and technical terms has been followed, although in a few cases it seemed to do less violence to follow a form which has gained wide acceptance in a particular Muslim country.

Not exact matches

«Of course that doesn't mean violence has disappeared, just that it occurs at lesser rates than it used to.»
Republicans and Democrats Agree Arming Teachers don't make schools safer TALLAHASSEE — Less than two weeks after the Parkland shooting, Florida Republicans are playing politics with public safety and embracing one of Donald Trump's most widely derided proposals to reduce gun violence.
This doesn't give me any more or less authority to speak to violence against women, but it does give me proximity.
Do not doubt for a second that if more of us left our bubbles, abandoned culture wars, locked up our guns safe behind our legal right to own them and brought the physical presence of Christ into the communities stricken by violence, we would see dramatically less devastation — by gun or otherwise.
They commit acts of violence in the name of God (nutjob anti-abortion groups), commit acts of fraud in the name of God, use God's name for political gain, and then turn their backs on the core principles of Jesus — caring for one another, compassion, helping those less fortunate, giving of yourself to do good, to make things better.
Whatever their exact number, Christians are leaven in deeply troubled Pakistan whose Muslim majority disallows increasingly the Prophet's teachings about restraint from violence and his injunctions to honor the Ummah (religious community) Internecine Muslim murders are a daily occurrence in Pakistan, and, whatever the discrimination against Christians, it is more social and economic in nature and far less violent than what Muslims do to one another.
There are just too many Muslims who take their freakin» koran literally... and too many other «not - muslim - enough» muslims who couldn't care less about the violence done in the name of their cult ideology called Islam... hence the problem on both ends!
We would no less need an analogous social order that was perfect in its own way but that, at a minimum, did not kill us by war and violence or spoil life by meanness and other forms of private misery.
While we may sometimes wish to carry out such a process, let us recognize that it is always a process which does violence, to a greater or lesser degree, to the intent of the historical Jesus.
Far less controversial is the idea that when such landscapes are attacked in this way, the process does violence to things other than the landscapes themselves.
If we truly want to respond to violence in the way that Christ did (i.e., without resorting to still more violence), we will have to begin to think more in terms of witness and less in terms of solution.
But few of us would endorse those elements of tradition that baptize patriarchal oppression, endorse violence against women, oppress lesbians and gays, exalt perpetual virginity as the superior state, or declare that heterosexual rape is a lesser sin than masturbation (on the view that the latter act contradicts nature while the former act, while also sinful, is in accordance with nature) The postbiblical tradition, like Scripture itself, does not provide one coherent, consistent sexual ethic.
Even though you and I and many others would long and hope for there to be less suffering and violence, especially from our God, I don't know if as Christians we have learned and understood God's ways enough to make such definitive statements.
Christians bear a special culpability for this prompt perversion, with less right to claim that we knew not what we did: our sacrificial violence toward Jews proclaimed the very sin it practiced.
Ina May Gaskin's C - section statistics over 40 years: 1.7 % American hospital C - section statistics: 32 % not including routine episiotomy and so on... Oh yes, I know who I would trust for my child's birth... And if the price of an intact body and a peaceful birth was «gentle stimulation» I would accept it with no hesitation... Of course I live in France where obstetric violence is the norm and home birth nearly considered as criminal by the establishment, but where puritanism is long gone (thank God)... You may remove this post as you did for my previous one... It's OK we've got lots of you this side of the Atlantic telling us what's good or bad for us and we trust them less and less.
He can decide voluntarily to part with it, but trying to take from Sting (who probably doesn't need it any more), and divide it among the less well - tuned among us will involve violence.
Theoretically, nonviolent crime receives noticeably less media attention and does not carry the heightened degree of sensitivity that comes with firearm violence.
Rigid gender norms and roles, according to Lundgren, are often harmful for males («real men» must provide for their families and are «less manly» if unable to do so, often resulting in violence) and females (women should maintain family harmony, even if it means accepting occasional violence).
While teen dating violence prevention programs increased knowledge and changed student attitudes to be less supportive of such behavior, they did not actually reduce dating violence, according to this meta - analysis of research on middle - and high school intervention programs, report investigators.
The best thing that can be said about Rob Schmidt's Crime and Punishment in Suburbia — aside from the fact that it's over in less than two hours — is that it doesn't glorify violence committed by sexy teens.
What Sightseers gets right where Seven Psychopaths (out today and reviewed here) gets it wrong is that this film does not try to admonish itself for including violence, and incidentally is much less indulgent in the violence, along with having a much more coherent plot with better direction, writing, acting, and presumably better catering too.
Less about actual driving than what drives people to behave the way they do, to violence, to flee, and to fall in love, the movie reminds us of what can be done with cinema.
From this serenity and quiet, the film then becomes almost unbearably terrifying — but no less hypnotic — when the carefully laid plans of the teenagers start to derail: mistakes and emotions do not fit within their disaffected frame of mind, and each incongruous element cuts into the serenity of the cinematography with shocking violence.
The role oil and our need for it plays in every level of government; why we have (and may always have) wars and violence because of it; and that some companies are just too big to face consequences, while others doing the same or less will be brought down to «set an example.»
The gigantic Brigitte Nielsen is a less than convincing baddie, there's an OTT fascination with violence and, worst of all, the laughs just don't come.
Some view this «training tool» as an acceptable way to curb an unwanted action by your dog; others will argue it's a horrible act of violence against our canine companions, and was designed only for those who don't want to spend the time with alternate, less invasive means of training.
There's Value In The Struggle: How Dark Souls Made Me A Better Student A Little Less Violence Wont Hurt Anyone New IP's Don't Deserve Collectors Editions Augmenting Politics: On Mankind Divided and the Use of Political Iconography in Games The Games I'm Thankful For The Good Ol' Days are Still Ahead of Us The Challenge of Difficulty Fun Isn't Everything Video Games Represented by Metal Sub-Genres The Games I'm Thankful For 2017
Lawyers from Alberta were considerably less likely to say that they always screen for family violence when referring a case to mediation than were lawyers from the rest of Canada, and a higher proportion of lawyers in Alberta who do screen for family violence reported that they do not use a standardized screening device.
Finally, not only are lawyers in Alberta less likely to screen for family violence than lawyers in the rest of Canada, they are also less likely to use a standardized tool when they do screen for violence.
Without a designated judge, victims of domestic violence have substantially less recourse against perpetrators if they live on - reserve than if they do not.
As a policy matter, a DA may decide to not charge a person in case the victim is unwilling (though less so in cases of domestic violence), perhaps because of the widespread impression that the victim has to «press charges» (which indeed they would have to do in the case of private prosecution, which is no longer allowed in the US).
[FN35] Does this mean that if the violence has been less frequent than «ongoing or episodic» suggests or is less severe than life threatening, the relationship is not a battering or abusive one?
For example, the high estimates of sexual IPV found in the current study are most likely attributable to the first and relatively less severe violence item «Demanded to have sex with me even though I did not want to (but did not use physical force)».
The Tharpuntoo Cape York Legal Service Aboriginal Corporation report that less people are coming through the justice system as a result - the justice groups are now addressing family violence through mediation and playing a monitoring role in ensuring the problems don't return.
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