Sentences with phrase «do on the buyers»

I would still get my buyers to do their own, as the report would be done on the buyer's behalf.

Not exact matches

Buyers love how quickly the HSI Professional heats up, what it does for their hair, and how easy it is to use — even on short hair.
One woman who attended a CRAVE buzz party told everyone about her business, at that event she gained two wholesale buyers, which led to the news doing a story on her business on the morning news the next day!
A salesperson who pitches your product to wholesale or retail buyers, then passes the sale on to you; differs from the manufacturer's rep in that they don't necessarily specialize in a particular product or group of products.
About a third of the buyers he's worked with have been transitioning out of a traditional job and were looking to do something on their own.
As a potential home buyer, I won't blame you if all you want to do is stick your head in the sand (on some sunny, non-Canadian beach somewhere) and hide.
A buyer is expected to do «due diligence,» meaning it will conduct a confidential, in - depth look at your business and try to get a read on your management team.
He explains that in good times, rising prices create a sense of urgency among home buyers who don't want to miss out on the chance to benefit from soaring prices.
This feedback can help business owners find out if their products, stock, pricing, and placement are appealing to customers; measure the training and performance of frontline employees; learn if competitors do a better job at sales, service, marketing, and operations; identify if employees are following company procedures or compliance practices; and, increase focus on service and selling to help convert browsers to buyers, Warzynski explains.
«Clearly, the year - over-year decline we experienced in July had more to do with psychology, with would - be home buyers on the sidelines waiting to see how market conditions evolve,» Syrianos said in a statement.
But just the fact that your business is growing and revenue is increasing doesn't necessarily mean that buyers are going to pounce on the deal.
If a potential buyer does not have the necessary qualifications, you may be able to solve this by making sure you have staff that have the relevant qualifications and have an incentive to stay on.
That said, if businesses have the intention of selling customer data, they need to do thorough research on the buyers and brokers they choose to work with.
The buyer made it clear to me they did not want to be re-traded on price after the due diligence period and forcefully said, «We will not tolerate a retrade!»
Instead of listing which sites they do not want their ads showing up on, more advertisers are choosing which sites they do want to see their ads, said Barry Lowenthal, president of The Media Kitchen, a New York - based media buyer.
He added: «In addition, they don't have the means to deal with compliance requirements as there is more and more pressure on corporate buyers to clean up their supply chains.»
Meanwhile, at the same event on Tuesday, some of the U.S. military's top weapons buyers said their service branches would have to halt or drastically cut hundreds of acquisition programs if Congress doesn't pass a new budget.
But that's dependent on what a hypothetical buyer is looking for, how the business has positioned itself, and exactly who is doing the valuing.
Some buyers did comment on it the fit not being great.
The buyer doesn't have a lot of choices and may have to settle on paying a little more than originally planned just to get into a great place.
The secret to earning income without risk or working for it, I learn on this day, is bringing together a buyer and a seller of services and receiving an ongoing commission on all the business they do together.
A recent study showed that a full two - thirds of buyers relied more on content to make buying decisions in 2015 than they did the previous year.
Oppeltz also does Google searches on individual buyers to make sure there aren't any scandals or arrest records.
Our Safeguarding Member IDs project helps prevent off - site fraud by hiding the bidder's User ID on transactions over $ 200 so buyers don't receive spam.
Kellogg Co. spokeswoman Kris Charles says the food company regularly works with media buyers to ensure its ads «do not appear on sites that aren't aligned with our values as a company.»
According to the Adobe Digital Index Report, engaged, repeat customers are so valuable to a business that, on average, they account for 40 percent of total revenue and, per visit, drive three to seven times the revenue one - time buyers do.
«Basically, Entercom is swapping out much of its shareholder base, and until the deal gets done, many new buyers, I think, are going to hold off on pulling the trigger.»
«What it did was allow us to prepare ourselves to respond to worries on the part of a prospective buyer,» Roberson explains.
He pointed out Alberta didn't put a tariff on or prohibit imports of B.C. wine, it simply told the provincial monopoly buyer to stop buying.
Moreover, while Facebook offers advertisers the ability to target both demographically (using users» gender and geography) and psychographically (using users» interests and behaviors among other things based on their likes) on its Facebook Ads Manager tool, most buyers don't consider psychographic traits reliable for ad targeting due to their predictive nature.
Karlson says, «You can find buyers who won't care if they can't depreciate assets, maybe because they'll be taking on so much debt tied to the transaction that they don't need any more tax write - offs.
Further, echoing what they do with the Star Wars movie openings themselves, buyers could get into stores at 12:01 a.m. on that magical Friday.
That movement creates competition for homebuyers who may be looking to build sweat - equity on their own, but it also provides improvements to the housing stock for buyers who don't have time or cash to improve a home themselves.
There's one you can create on your own (I'll be showing you step - by - step how to do that later in the article) or you can advertise in an association's buyer's guide.
But the telesummit organizer didn't realize my friend was referring to her list of buyers: people who've already spent money on her and are highly likely to buy something she recommends.
As a suggestion, you can host «lunch and learns» to train different groups within your organization on the buyer personas and how what you've learned about your buyers specifically relates to them and what they do.
At some point, provided that dividend is safe and investors are convinced it is going to be maintained, the dividend yield on the stock itself is going to be so attractive that it brings in buyers from the sidelines, people who otherwise can not stand to see the yield right there in front of them without doing something about it.
For example, how often do you find yourself referring to the marketing personas you built several years ago — buyer personas that were based on assumptions you once made about your audience and its buying habits?
I don't know what trickle - down affect that has on the lesser US markets, but my guess is that a rising tide will lift all boats as domestic investors may seek real estate opportunities in less tapped domestic cities rather than compete with international buyers.
1) Do not blindly accept the highest offer if it is contingent on the buyer getting a loan.
How can you create spot - on content for people in distinct stages of the buyer's journey if you don't have a deep understanding of their motivations at different points in time?
Like any property condition report, buyers should not rely on the report of an inspector they did not hire.
Only later did it dawn on investors that the incremental buyers were called «Sub-Prime» for a reason and they were not as likely to repay those loans as the Prime borrowers had been historically.
Not only do you need to create quality content that will draw their attention and provide the insights and information they seek, you also need a strong promotional strategy to make sure that content surfaces at the precise time and on the precise platforms they prefer at any given stage of their buyer's journey.
A spokeswoman for Christie's, the auction house that sold «Salvator Mundi,» said it did not comment on the identities of any buyers or sellers without their permission.
I did this by calculating how many buyers listed their home for lease on the MLS shortly after taking possession.
A buyer whose family name is Yu said she doesn't intend to pay the next installment on her apartment when it comes due this month.
Your salespeople quickly lose relevance, because they don't have the means to create real value through the sales process and to justify the time from busy executives on the buyer side.
Of course, it's starting off a much lower base than British Columbia or Ontario, so rapid growth doesn't mean the Chinese have suddenly become huge buyers of Alberta property, but what these trends show is that Alberta is starting to appear on the radar of Chinese buyers,» said Pittar.
The problem in that case is that companies don't do full - fledged investigative research — in other words, gather buyer insights and conduct rigorous analysis to understand what's going on in the marketplace.
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