Sentences with phrase «do preemptive»

As an American REALTOR ®, you can do some preemptive research about the culture where your client comes from to better understand what processes they're used to.
Do a preemptive strike to find and fix problems before you sell your home.
If your score needs some help, do some preemptive work before you consolidate credit card debt.
This time the dealer looked at all the windows, identified issues and then tried to charge me extra because it allegedly is not covered to do preemptive checks.
She is also doing preemptive work.

Not exact matches

But because Kim isn't expected to budge, the stalemate could result in the real risk of American preemptive action within six months, according to Jennings: «Just because it's a dangerous option doesn't mean it won't happen.
A number of excerpts have already been released, and they don't paint the best picture of the president — which seems to explain his preemptive protests and attacks.
However, I do think this preemptive move has cost SNB some credibility, because bank officials said just recently that the currency cap was one of the key pillars of their system.
So Teabagger, why have my taxes been used on a preemptive (at best) war in Iraq that I do not approve of.
Despite preemptive military action, the post - «victory» occupation of Iraq and global involvements elsewhere, America's present policy makers and public officials insist that the term «empire» simply does not apply.
Bottom line: Preemptive Love Coalition is a redundant «non-profit» not needed since the International Children's Heart Foundation is doing the same thing on a broader scale.
Preemptive Love has done an incredible job over the years of addressing different needs as they arise.
Characters in zombie films are willing to do terrible things to each other because of the fear of zombies and the urge for self preservation, while, in the real world, things like the use of torture (or «advanced interrogation»), preemptive war and drone strikes were being debated as options to fight a threat even scarier than zombies: terrorism.
Preemptive war by definition does not satisfy this criterion, since it is waged not to avenge wrongs» actually committed (Augustine), but to prevent wrongs that are only anticipated.
While you can't do much to alter people's perception of your parenting ability, you can take preemptive measures to ensure your family (and your health) doesn't suffer because of it.
But NK has an habit to show - off how developed its nuclear and missile industries are as a way to get - what they believe to be - some leverage, and each time they do so the threat becomes more credible and the USA has more justification for a preemptive strike.
In a preemptive attack, Spitzer said, «anybody who'd challenge 27,000 signatures would be sending a statement they don't really believe in democracy,» adding, «We don't believe that bosses dictate who gets on the ballot» (a dig at his opponent's support among the party establishment).
But the judge didn't buy this, Holman says: She ruled that other methods are not commercially viable, and for that reason, Sequenom's claims were preemptive.
The American military is ready with a plan to strike North Korean missile sites in a preemptive attack if Donald Trump decides to do so.
An assumption that the department's top priority was responding to 911 calls, rather than to the kind of long - term, preemptive work done by the narcotics unit.
It was a preemptive decision to buy the only massive book community that mattered on the internet and decide what to do with it later.
We think it's far more likely that Amazon didn't want to be called on the carpet publicly for its behavior, and so decided to make a preemptive move to try and convince the gullible among us that it truly has our interests at heart.
But rarely does an author make a preemptive move, and pull his book before a publisher has a chance to publish it, which has «highlighted a growing issue in the business: Are traditional publishers doing enough to support established authors?»
Could she get sick from this, and is there anything I can do to be preemptive to prevent parvo?
WARNING: do not do this exercise to solve resource guarding with children — only do this as a preemptive training focus
In doing so, I hope this preemptive measure will prevent owners from having issues in the future.
MS seems to be trying a preemptive strike at Neo's eventual announcement with their E3 announcement and ambiguous promises of 4K gaming, and using the slim for 4K gaming for those who really aren't that up to date one what they're actually getting in terms of 4K... which I would guess is a great number of 4K TV buyers since the TV makers are doing all they can to blur what exactly all that is about in terms of technology.
Preemptive intervention from Sony warning those sites not to get on the company's bad side by running a review of a product they didn't want «out there» prior to an official announcement?
It's this preemptive announcement - making approach that Dyer dug into, caricaturing Fried's tone, and ending by saying, bitingly, that someday Fried «will cross the border from criticism to the creation of a real work of art... called Kiss Marks on the Mirror: Why Michael Fried Matters as a Writer Even More Than He Did Before.»
In fact, if one is to believe his mission, not only did he no longer let the viewer in, but he came out to meet the viewer, almost as if in battle, as in a preemptive strike.
But does this security issue relate to the main provisions of the climate bill, or more to how much the Pentagon and State Department spend on preemptive risk reduction as opposed to war - fighting, on the scope and focus of American foreign aid, on building prosperity and resilience in Africa and South Asia?
But, those of us who worry that the more extreme views may become fodder for preemptive dismissal by the alarmists have a responsibility to make sure the fringe doesn't take over the forum and paint us all in the same shade.
The trouble comes, in part, from the FBI's preemptive strike: It released a statement on Friday promising to do everything the report on Sunday would criticize it for failing to do.
Because you don't want to waste your precious preemptive strikes on biased jurors.
Short of fencing in the entire perimeter of my land, is there any preemptive legal thing to do?
The final rule does not attempt to alter the preemptive scope Congress has provided to the FEHBP.
Response: We do not intend to affect the preemptive scope of the FEHBP.
It would be unwise to jump to the conclusion that the many states that did not protest the Al - Kibar strike instead acquiesced to it, thus indicating their support for a right to exercise preemptive self - defense to eliminate nuclear threats.
Earlier in the day, at a packed hearing by the Senate Commission on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Human Rights, Williams urged the senators and parliamentarians present to consider what could be done domestically to support the campaign's call for a preemptive ban on fully autonomous weapons.
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