Sentences with phrase «do schools support»

How do schools support their most disadvantaged young people?
How do schools support teachers» implementation of these standards?
How does your school support the social - emotional needs of the individual child?
Does the school support the LM students» academic learning in all subject areas as they move toward fluency?
Does the school support efforts to develop healthy and beneficial attitudes and beliefs among administrators, teachers, and school personnel (and students) regarding teaching, learning, and student capabilities?
Does the school support language minority students» academic learning in all subject areas as they move toward fluency?
How well does the school support children with special needs, if your child has a disability, developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder or other need?

Not exact matches

And do they come from more or less wealthy background with parents who will be able to support them and the school?
The systematic gutting of publicly funded education — be it in elementary schools or in colleges — was done by officials we've elected, many of whom have received strong support from members of the business community who regularly complain about the lack of a prepared workforce.
We don't have much of an endowment like the schools that we compete against which have terrific endowments to support their activities.»
After many a group brainstorming session, Brian and his partners wrote down Public Supply's mission — «We create writing essentials in support of public - school arts» — but they didn't consider their job finished.
«I still have a daughter that's in high school that will be looking to go on to medical school, and now I'll know that I have an income that can support that and help her through it,» he said, adding that he doesn't know yet if the Carrier agreement will mean pay cuts for him and other employees.
The Alberta government's showpiece bill this fall explicitly prohibits schools from telling parents their children have joined a peer support club for LGBT students, and clarifies that existing notification policies about discussions of sexuality and religion don't go beyond class lessons.
And a new report finds that while many low - income students fall behind and fail to graduate on time from U.S. colleges, the University of California system supports them significantly better than other schools do.
The STOP School Violence Act, which Kashuv strongly supported, creates an annual $ 50 million grant to schools for training programs and revamped reporting systems for school safety (and doesn't mention School Violence Act, which Kashuv strongly supported, creates an annual $ 50 million grant to schools for training programs and revamped reporting systems for school safety (and doesn't mention school safety (and doesn't mention guns).
Didn't support the Burnaby School Board's policy banning homophobia and transphobia: The premier didn't stand up for the board's progressive policy, missing a key opportunity to take a strong public stance in favour of protecting LGBT students.
Like most (according to the poll) I don't support private school funding for ideological reasons and fume at «Elite Funding», but I think pertinent information is valuable even if it doesn't fit the narrative.
The state's «education tax» supports schools (as do local school district taxes in most other states) and is the largest single source of property taxes in Vermont.
Sunday school teachers and youth workers didn't treat him differently, they didn't make him feel bad about living with mental illness; they just came along to support him.
The proper thing to teach young black males is to stay in school, get good grades, choose a respectable career field, attend church regularly, be kind and couteous to everyone you meet, repect and support the police, stay off drugs, don't steal, don't assault people, and quit thinking the man is out to get you.
Do you support evolution being taught in publicly funded schools?
However, I DO NOT support your right to force your nonsense onto me and my family either through the school system or legislation.
So if Smart's take - away from lessonson school was one tthing, it doesn't mean she wasn't told specific, correct facts with supporting reasons.
That, after all, is what the denominations found and support theological schools to do.
The chief inspector of schools has been criticised for suggesting parents should be fined if they don't do enough to help their child's education by the head of a Christian based family support charity.
However, one small difference, I did not teach them my position but instead supported my wife taking the kids to school and through all the Catholic rituals.
As the school prepared for graduation this week, many students standing in the parks and archways that dot campus expressed support for inviting Sebelius and for the idea of welcoming guests who don't always agree with Catholic teaching.
And to win the support of educators who do not share the neoconservative commitment to educational reform rooted largely, if not exclusively, in Western traditions, he argues that in pluralistic America, if schools do their job there can indeed be one cultural vocabulary.
Mainly, because in all the verbiage about freedoms of beliefs there is something so important, so blatantly acute yet everyone do not even mention it, except - oh genial me: Why would anyone in the whole world support any type of creed / belief / religion where a whole lot of humans — as in millions of human women — are not allowed to go to school, to even just read and write - less become a teacher, doctor, lawyer, president of their own companies, their own countries, mutilated by the millions when they reach puberty, WHY is this allowed?
In 1995, roughly three dozen groups representing numerous faiths as well as a secular humanist organization designed a joint statement on religious liberties, showing support for what could be done legally in the schools, and disputing the claim that schools were «religion - free zones.»
Or that fact that since you cant see, god does exist school of belief does not support your argument.
Today, in his reading, Baptists are the phonies when they vote — as Southern Baptist Convention majorities did — to have government do their spiritual work for them by supporting, for instance, a school prayer amendment.
«But it is clear that we must all - government, charities, schools and GPs included - do more to let people know where they can turn, and for what support, so every child can look to the future with a sense of hope.»
The vast majority of people who are educated beyond the level of high school know that evolution is far more reasonable and has more evidence to support it than do creationism or intelligent design.
They say that the administration doesn't support them, choosing to invest in the sciences and business school, not language, literature, and culture.
JK If you're talking about public schools, schools supported by everyone's tax dollars, please explain to me why my tax dollar would go to promote the belief in a god that I don't believe is real?
But opposition to public support, direct or indirect, to any religious school did not satisfy a positive need for Protestants.
«displaying a cross or crucifix is not imposing ones beliefs on another» It sure is, and by doing it in a school you're telling the kids from families who don't believe that «we're smarter then you, we're trying to educate you, you must be wrong,» and by putting it in government buildings says the government supports THAT religion.
After heavy snow fall in the area, he's been clearing sidewalks around an elementary school, explaining to a local news station, «I don't want kids or parents having to go through the snow and possibly trip or hurt themselves... The community has supported me immensely with my struggles and tough times as I had a leg amputated and my fight with brain cancer.
In today's intellectual climate, where so many who invoke science in support of Christianity seem to do so in more or less veiled forms of creationism (for example, in the «Intelligent Design» school of thought), and where the prevailing mindset is a complacent presumption that science has disproved religion, it is a matter of pressing urgency to proclaim from the housetops how the magnificent success of modern science points unambiguously to the existence of the supreme Mind of the Creator, and how the trajectory of thought which begins there leads convincingly to Jesus Christ as Lord of the Cosmos.
He didn't just support vouchers to religious schools but allowed religious ideas in science class rooms in public schools.
They provide a low cost preschool / day care for struggling families, help restore homes, support local business with cheap and sometimes free rent, have an after school program to help kids who do not have the support at home complete their homework and behave in school.
How does he decide «objectively» whether religious education in state - supported schools should be required, made optional or prohibited?
In reality what this will mean more ground conceded to the government's «Equalities» agenda: the guidelines state that schools will have to demonstrate not only that they do not contravene the 2010 Equalities Act but that they «actively promote» and support it.
On 25 January Ms Stannard very publicly lent the support of the Catholic Church to the Government's «positive» and «supportive]» draft SRE «Guidance to Schools», which clearly does require secondary schools in general to cooperate in providing information on abortion and sex before maSchools», which clearly does require secondary schools in general to cooperate in providing information on abortion and sex before maschools in general to cooperate in providing information on abortion and sex before marriage.
But now that the authorities of the Catholic Church have made it clear that if a Catholic school did disobey such a law, their bishops would not support them they do not have a leg to stand on.
«87 But Peter Cartwright, who actually during his lifetime did a tremendous amount for education by the distribution of literature and the support of schools, had such a conception of Methodism and the «Western world» as seems at times to have made him compulsively boorish.
They have no scientific evidence to support their claims yet they have taken children out of school to proclaim their «message» and now they're traipsing about telling others to do the same!
Dawn says, «We want to work with and support at grass roots the education of the next generations (and their parents and grandparents) about the importance of living sustainably and responsibly and Australian Organic Schools does this in an interactive, informative and hands - on way.»
«Our school is a school of choice so we have an engaged parent group that supports our underlying principle of trying to do things as healthily as we can.
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