Sentences with phrase «do teach you by example»

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There was something going on in comics where there was just a lot of raping going on... And I thought there was a much more complex and dangerous road to go down that doesn't have that in it, and as a male creator, do that: teach by example.
The lives of the saints do not present us with a new theory of virtue, but a new way of teaching, a new strategy that builds on the tradition of examples, but enriches it by unfolding a pattern of holiness over the course of a lifetime.
Teaching from the pulpit, for example, that God willed Adam and Eve to sin, that cancer is predestined by God, that prayer doesn't cause anything to change in the world, and that evangelism has no purpose since sheep are sheep and goats are goats?
Moreover, it was specifically affirmed on behalf of the drafters of Pastor aeternus that the phrases ex cathedra does not extend to any and every example of public teaching by the pope (this was to exclude St Robert Bellarmine's exaggerated notion that the pope is always infallible except when speaking as a private doctor).
The Catholic Church does not teach passive, fatalistic acceptance of suffering or misfortune, or consider those who suffer to be disfavored by God, as do many other religions (Islam for one example).
Why do we have to accommodate this» healing» How about they build a memorial in their country and teach their children that what they did was wrong as an example, lead by example.
For example, if a denomination declared in their doctrinal statement that the Bible teaches that all good Christians must wear pink hats and only those people who wear pink hats can indeed be true followers of Jesus, we would conclude upon reading this statement that we would never be accepted by those folks because we don't agree with this bit of ridiculous theology.
An example of change is in the name of this book, its true name is the book of remembrance, taught by Malachi 3 vs. 16, through YHWH a guide to help us to remember YHWH, and all He has done.
The methods of form criticism help us to pick out aspects of the gospel accounts of Jesus» conduct and teaching which are in sharp contrast to the current practice and teaching of his day, and which it would not have been in the earliest church's interest to introduce into the material: for example, Jesus» attitude to women, his table - fellowship with «tax collectors and sinners», his refusal of the epithet «good», and Mark's comment — altered by Matthew — that in Nazareth «he could do no mighty work».
But they didn't either, and He waited until someone recognized him as G - d, and made his family into the Jewish people, whose mission was / is to teach either by example or directly what we are here for and what G - d wants us to do in this world.
If we broaden our definition of teaching to include teaching by example, mentoring, living life together... apprenticeship style... it is easier to imagine these people doing so with regular day jobs as well.
I did my Ph.D. in New Testament with W. D. Davies, who taught me to look at texts carefully, to value historical questions and considerations, and, by his own work and example, to respect responsible scholarship.
Is it equally legitimate for Catholic apologists for legal abortion, and even its facilitation by public funding, to appeal to Aquinas» teaching about the toleration of evil, as Mario Cuomo, for example, has done?
For example, there were those who believed that our Lord did not really have a human body and a human nature, and such people by their teaching imperiled the Christian assertion that God had acted for us in one of our own kind, and therefore in a way which we, men and women with bodies and human nature, could grasp and be grasped by.
(For example, a Catholic diocese that has many employees, should not have to pay for stuff that is clearly against Catholic teachings... since, by default, everyone who works there is essentially required to be adhering to Catholic religious «rules»...)(*)(On the other hand — This really does give rise to some serious «slippery slope» possibilities... but I digress...)
There isn't roomhere to do more than illustrate the case with a few examples, but an attempt will be made to show how rich Paul's view of ethics is, how his teaching on law is original and relevant, how his emphasis on love is important, and how he forces us to consider not only the human act that, as St Thomas says, is what moral theology is all about, but also the adjectival human agent transformed by the grace of the Holy Spirit into a friend, indeed a child of God.
Even when recognizing the fact that the Church has modified the tradition of the ministry of Jesus, the tendency is always to insist that the tradition is basically historical, and the modification and reinterpretation was made necessary by the changing circumstances (for example, to apply the teaching on marriage and divorce in Mark 10 to Roman marital conditions), and that it does not do violence to the original.
Their influence and understanding of the teaching method and her mother's strong belief in leading by example and learn by doing, challenged Deya early in life to take risks and not be afraid to fail, as well as her dad always pushing her to be limitless creative.
For example, BRT spoke about how we need to teach men not to feel entitled to certain things (like women's bodies) they don't have a right to, as well as not conditioning «famous» people to believe they can get away with things by idolizing them so much.
While I don't agree that the church's «message should be one of... finding a partner, getting married and sticking together» — given the many ways to live well today, that's an extremely narrow and heteronormative view — the book does speak to the ways the church is a place of support, friendship and guidance for men, whether by offering engaging activities (at the risk of sounding cliche, group sporting events for example) or teaching classes to build marketable skills or acting as an employment center to help them find meaningful careers with decent wages or offering essential mental health counseling.
Have your child «teach» by watching you the first time (see the video for an example) and then have them participate by doing any of the following:
Teach them by example to be accountable for their own life and happiness because that is what you do.
That's not to say you can't teach some coping skills (for example, keeping paper and crayons, bubbles, etc., on hand, so a child who doesn't want to play with the group can have some down time), but you still have to be sensitive to non-physical bullying, and also to kids who just get overwhelmed by too much «group time.»
We must also teach them to be kind, respectful and compassionate toward others, and we do that best by being the example, by modeling that behavior with our children, to «be the change we wish to see in the world.»
If you have young children, bringing them with you will teach them to do this, by setting an good example.
The easiest way to drive this point home is to teach by example: If you lose, don't lament the fact that you lost.
«If the Education Secretary genuinely wishes England to do as well as countries such as Finland, to which he frequently refers in the White Paper, he should follow its example by replacing the inspection system with school self evaluation, refrain from the publication of results by school League Tables and the setting of narrow performance targets and allow teachers to choose their own method of teaching reading.
Postdocs do the bulk of the hands - on teaching that goes on in labs — by training graduate students, medical students, and technicians, for example.
The teachings and practices of Yoga and High Vibration Living permeate my daily life and I attempt to lead by example in all I do, for purification of Self and the Earth.
The new curriculum is presented in a way that means you do not have to teach what is in Year 3 in Year 3, it just has to be done by the end of KS2 for example.
They say examples of parent perceptions include teachers being «bogged down» by the curriculum and not having enough time to teach the basics, differing attitudes (some are enthusiastic and encouraging and others less so), and that they don't understand every child has their own way of learning so they can't provide the right support.
For example, Darling - Hammond, in NCTAF's 1997 report Doing What Matters Most, asserts, «Students will achieve at higher levels and are less likely to drop out when taught by certified teachers.»
For example, I wrote in a previous blog about a teacher that teaches every fifth - grade math lesson by first presenting students with a challenge problem to see what they can do, then based on results from that task, breaks the students into three groups - remedial, progressing and advanced.
For example, one study by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University found that charter schools do a better job teaching low income students, minority students, and students who are still learning English than traditional schools.
For example, if you deal with bus discipline, it does not take long to realize that some of the drivers lack the skills to effectively manage students (which, by the way, is much harder to do while driving a bus with 66 students behind you than it is while teaching with 25 students in front of you).
We can not simply teach our kids the importance of doing their part in the community, we must lead them by example as well.
For example, if you usually write books that help people learn how to do specific DIY tasks, you can break big projects down into smaller tasks and teach them how to do each one step - by - step with a series of pictures and captions.
But it is true, you can teach a dog to sit for example by telling him to sit and then forcing him into a sit, or slapping him rear end if he does not do so.
To teach him to raise his paw, simply demonstrate that doing so has a positive outcome, for example by giving him a treat.
For example, if you live in a neighborhood near a busy street, you do not want your dog to go dashing out the front door — if you teach your dog a release cue he will wait by the door until you release him into the yard.
Hi I happen to be a cancer patient and can not go to school but was wondering if I could take a course to teach me more about cats and their medical problems I volunteered with a cat rescue for twelve years and still do but still do nt have all the answers for example one of my own cats just past away because of a tumor in the abdomen and it took the vets down here close to three months before they could figure out what the problem was and by that time it was too late to save her please let me know if I can take this course by correspondence online without having to go to school and how much would it cost in monthly payments thanks
Positive reinforcement trainers have discovered they can capture behaviors (wait for them to happen randomly), encourage behaviors (for example, put an object in front of an animal and see if they'll reach out and touch it), shape behaviors (start with the slightest attempt and build), and even teach an animal to do a behavior by mimicking another animal or even their person.
For example, I don't teach or use the Alpha Roll ¦ a technique in which you flip and pin a dog on its back, holding it by the throat, as you stare in its eyes and verbally reprimand the dog.
Like I said on Twitter earlier today, the people who REALLY taught me «How To» do anything worthwhile, didn't write a big ol' list of instructions, didn't hold my hand, they just led by example.
Michael Lam and Karran Sahadeo are stellar examples of this, two self - taught artists who are doing important work by documenting life in Guyana.
- 24 hour a day step by step tutorial videos - A wonderful range of mediums - acrylics, colored pencils, drawing, oils, pastels and watercolor - Lessons that teach about tools and materials example, making color charts and what specific brushes and tools and equipment do - A range of positive and edifying personalities as teachers - A wide range of projects and / or subject matter - A love of and belief in what each one has come together to do for other artists — to help others become better artists
Fortunately, the dean of every Canadian law school could put forward examples of faculty members who do not seem discouraged by the demands that require them to balance committed and skilled teaching, innovative scholarship and engagement with the community.
What parents can do is to teach their children well and lead by example.
Show how you achieved a successful outcome despite this by, for example, networking to find answers informally, teaching yourself how to do something or being resourceful in hunting out information.
While I don't agree that the church's «message should be one of... finding a partner, getting married and sticking together» — given the many ways to live well today, that's an extremely narrow and heteronormative view — the book does speak to the ways the church is a place of support, friendship and guidance for men, whether by offering engaging activities (at the risk of sounding cliche, group sporting events for example) or teaching classes to build marketable skills or acting as an employment center to help them find meaningful careers with decent wages or offering essential mental health counseling.
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