Sentences with phrase «do with free speech»

One thing is for sure: the film has nothing to do with free speech.
However, this has nothing to do with free speech.
The fact is... it has nothing to do with free speech... you simply just don't like his opinion.

Not exact matches

> I agree with Richard some people just because they profess there faith doesn't mean there trying to push there beliefs on anyone people of faith have a right to free speech also.
So many people who advocate or speak publicly for political or personal reasons aren't acknowledged as much when it comes to religion when someone is wanting to speak out about there faith a light bulb goes off and says we don't want to hear, or talk, or, air any thing that has to do with the mentioning of God but because of the high profile story and because this is the President of the United States it's ok hats off to them for not being ashamed to speak about there faith I agree with Richard some people just because they profess there faith doesn't mean there trying to push there beliefs on anyone people of faith have a right to free speech also.
It sounds to me like you are fine with atheists supporting discrimination against gays, just so long as gays don't have to support the free speech or other rights of atheists.
While I do support free speech, I can't deny my in ability to sort all this out from where I happen to be, dissociated from the major «players» having direct involvement with the situation at hand (which has gone way beyond what I thought this thread would be about, initially).
Along with advocating for better education in schools regarding reading the news, Cook says that companies like Apple have to do their part to walk the line between preventing fake news and censoring free speech.
Christians in America love the consti.tution and all the freedoms it affords them like FREE SPEECH, until there is an issue where it doesn't agree with their lifestyle and they protest it.
How about human rights, free speech??? Where is the US government, why don't they raise the issue with the Pakistani government?
I'm in the military, and have no problem doing dangerous jobs to protect the free speech of people I don't agree with.
Failing to protect free - speech we will find the government becoming like the the Indian government who charge Aseem Trivedi, a political cartoonist, with sedition because... they didn't like the message.
I don't agree with his belief either but I do believe in his right to free speech.
You are a communist organization that does not allow free speech and censor anything with which you disagree.
I wonder if they would endorse the FREE SPEECH of having a SIGN at these meetings that state: END THIS TIME WASTING, NONSENSE RITUAL, AND GET ON WITH DOING THE (NAME OF GOVERNING BODY»S) BUSINESS!
In a free speech decision having to do with obscenity, Justice Harlan opined in 1971, «The Constitution leaves matters of taste and style so largely to the individual.»
HappyMeal The right of a woman to control her own reproductive life is like the right to free speech: You don't have to agree with how people exercise that right to still want to protect their right to do it.
«Safe spaces» and no - platforming threaten free speech directly, but in reality most students don't come into contact with these sorts of events often.
Newmania: You do know there's a difference between the right to free speech and the right to edit a national newspaper without people disagreeing with you, don't you?
Free speech is a worthy defence for many things, but it shouldn't give carte blanche to the pathetic mob of inadequates who bombard people they don't like with threats and abuse.
I note it says rights should encompass living standards, which suggests that there should be a right given to the needs of life; however then what is the other stuff on there about with free speech and all which has nothing to do with that?
Not only does this mean that colleges are now awash with therapy groups, workshops such as «Keeping Calm and in Control», «Mindfulness for Depression» «Anxiety 101», but many contemporary free speech disputes are couched in the language of psychological harm.
Lord Leveson, who appeared more irritated with Mr Gove than he has with any witness during the inquiry, replied: «Mr Gove I don't need to be told about the importance of free speech - I really don't.
Though it could do with fewer talking - head interviews and more extended clips from these impassioned live performances, Young Rebels is essential viewing for anyone interested in rap music, free speech issues or the youth culture of contemporary Cuba.
April 5, 2018 • Many modern free - speech cases have less to do with citizens speaking to government power than with the reach of businesses and organizations into Americans» lives.
In Friedrichs, the plaintiffs — teachers who disagreed with the politics of their union — argued that the act of collective bargaining is inherently political, and thus by being forced to support an organization they do not agree with, their free speech is being violated.
Too many children don't fully learn what it means to have the constitutional right of free speech — which means that they also don't learn how to communicate with a peer when they are offended by what she says.
We excluded instances of conflicts between schools and teachers (such as teacher dismissal cases) and between schools and nonstudent outsiders (such as drug - and weapon - free - zone cases that did not involve students), as well as student rights cases focused exclusively on free speech issues (that is, those not combined with the school's use of suspension, expulsion, corporal punishment, and transfer).
They do so today for countless purposes, typically to claim a right to free and edgy speech on T - shirts or banners under the First Amendment, to assert rights to education of the handicapped under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and to ask for more school spending under state constitutional provisions that are said to guarantee an equitable or an adequate education.
Friedrichs is challenging California's largest teachers union on First Amendment grounds, arguing, in part, that mandatory union dues deny individual members the right of free speech through lobbying efforts and campaign contributions that don't necessarily comport with the views of all union members.
In this configuration, the ILX features Bluetooth hands - free calling with address book sync, but the voice command system that controls the hands - free system doesn't feature automatic voice tagging or speech - to - text recognition.
I thought we lived in a world of free speech, its okay to post ads relating to products on your side bar, FB are fine with that because you pay to do so.
Justices Antonin Scalia, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sonia Sotomayor raised free - speech objections to the statute, with Ginsberg asking: «If you are supposing a category of violent materials dangerous to children, then how do you cut it off at video games?
Because now readers are demanding more and more low - priced and free e-books, and don't even feel guilty about it because they feel that publishers tried to take advantage of them with overpriced e-books, delayed releases, poor formatting, blocking lending, blocking text - to - speech, and invasive DRM.
Tell Google that you don't approve of this latest deal - that you won't pay for digital books with your privacy and free speech.
Courts make a VERY clear distinction between free speech and deliberate libel; and equating a respected scientist (respected by his peers; he doesn't need the respect of the rubes) with a most reviled pervert and convicted criminal does qualify as deliberate slander.
«You can have a society with free speech where I call you names, and you do rude drawings of me, and I say you're a hater, and we hatey - hatey - hate each other,» said Steyn on my TV special, «Censorship in America,» but «the alternative is the Muslim world where there's no open debate, and so there's nothing left to do but kill and bomb and shoot.»
JimD FYI the very serious problem with Benghazi is the known false cover story (BTW I know a lot about the specific details of this event) not so bad except for the poor wannabe movie maker they arrested to cover their lie free speech... once a liberal value I am a «denier» because of my best evaluation of the evidence not because I'm «scared» of a carbon tax not because I don't like Obama
Likewise, my free - speech book does not have an introduction by Bill Nye, and proceeds therefrom - as with SteynOnline gift certificates - help to support my end of the upcoming Mann vs Steyn trial, in which, in cross-examination, I intend to ask Dr Mann whether Dr Pachauri ever hit on him.
Getting hate from your political peers who think you've gone soft has nothing to do with free - speech or the politically misaligned pejorative «McCarthyism» which is term fraught with illogical thinking and social bias to begin with.
Do you agree with free speech proponents on the repeal of section 13?
As for the aforementioned New York Times piece about Peltz's lawsuit, it concludes with what may be a classic case of understatement: «The Arkansas case could do more than give law students practical experience before they take the bar; it could also renew debate about free speech on campus and academic freedom.»
I don't know where the parameters of free speech should be, I just know that we need to recognize that vital though it is, other values (equality, in particular, as well as people's entitlement not to be lied about and maligned with impunity) are also.
A commitment to free speech doesn't reconcile easily with human rights codes that may compel respect and courtesy toward specific groups — including their right to be addressed as they choose.
If only Facebook put as much effort into policing fake news as it does actively stomping on the face of free speech in the form of human sexuality, enforcing extreme, antiquated notions of puritanism with its exacting sex censorship.
The use of real names was a free speech issue in the end too, In is interesting to note that FB censors what it considers inappropriate by it's standards, Western world standards but they don't do so with what might be inappropriate in other cultures.
That power lies with the government who, incredulously, does not feel its prohibitions hampers or impedes free speech.
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