Sentences with phrase «docile spider»

The rose hair is an exceptionally docile spider from Chile that is neither inclined to bite nor to «kick hairs,» a spider defense that involves kicking a plume of the irritating hair - like structures off their abdomens and into the air.
Yet by 2010, the docile spiders» apparent advantage began to wane as invaders increasingly ate them and stole the insects snagged by the colonies» webs.
Without aggressive spiders to care for them, docile spiders would go extinct whenever other spiders abound.
Red - legs are part of a large constellation (others include orange - knees, flame - knees, red - rumps, and fire - legs) of beautifully colored, docile spiders centered in Mexico.

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These social moms are more docile than other spiders — they are less responsive to prey in their webs and more fearful in simulated predator attacks — but this mellow attitude comes with a cost.
In places with lots of resources for these spiders, the scientists observe that small colonies are dominated by docile females.
Remarkably, when artificially assembled colonies were placed in new locations, the spiders — over two generations — attempted to recreate the composition of docile - to - aggressive spiders that would be ideal in their home conditions — where the colony evolved — even if the environmental conditions at the new location were different.
When two spiders shared a container overnight, docile animals remained beside each other the whole time, whereas aggressive ones attacked each other and then moved to opposite corners.
Who better to undo a student's (or teacher's) teeth - chattering arachnophobia than Rosie, the Chilean rosy - haired tarantula, one of the most docile of the giant spiders?
It is, in fact, an amazingly docile, if quick, little spider, with a charming gait not unlike a tiny eight - legged dressage horse.
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