Sentences with phrase «doctoral scientists»

So we shouldn't choose to be doctoral scientists for the money or the social status.
As shown in Figure 2 - 7, underrepresented minorities as a whole comprised just 8 percent of academic doctoral scientists and engineers working in four - year colleges and universities in 2006.
Every year, more and more doctoral scientists compete to acquire research grants; the intense struggle to win federal support for research is so enormous that it must be termed a hyper - competition (see: «All About Today's Hyper - Competition for Research Grants!»).
«Unemployment among Doctoral Scientists and Engineers Remained Below the National Average in 2013,» proclaims the headline of a report issued 12 September by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
That's why I've found it incredibly reassuring to talk to doctoral scientists who've moved into a variety of, perhaps unexpected, positions (see sidebars).
Post Doctoral Scientist, Department Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Montana State University
In many cases, the role of doctoral scientists within the large and giant groups at universities devolves into serving only as very highly educated research technicians.
«Unemployment for doctoral scientists, engineers below American national average in 2013.»
He believes that opportunities for PhD scientists in the financial sector are increasing, and his own office expects to recruit an additional two doctoral scientists every year for the foreseeable future.
Every year, more and more doctoral scientists are seeking to acquire research grants; the intense struggle to win federal funding for research is so enormous that it must be termed a hyper - competition (see: «All About Today's Hyper - Competition for Research Grants!»).
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