Sentences with phrase «doctrine as»

Verify and maintain the logistics of primary / secondary parts and supplies; audit local agencies on routine basis for quality control and guideline practices, refresh doctrine as needed to list current procedures and practices as needed
For example, McBride and Bagshaw take issue with characterising the doctrine as a liability rule [9] and place the discussion of it in their textbook in a chapter entitled «Compensatory Damages».
[8] This reading of the prevailing opinion is arguably reinforced by the frequent description of the doctrine as a «defence».
He plainly regarded the reliance on the ultra vires doctrine as the behaviour of a scoundrel trying to wriggle out of his obligations.
Do the facts of Bowes v Edmonton (City) 2007 ABCA 347 fall within the material contribution doctrine as now defined in Clements?
While the U.K. House of Lords thought it was necessary for U.K. society, the Australian High Court has so far declined to incorporate, into Australian common law, the material contribution to risk doctrine as an alternative method for proving causation in negligence.
If, as para. 16 of Clements seems to state, we are to understand the material contribution doctrine as explained in Clements and Resurfice Corp..
There is, however, a deeper signal buried in Gorsuch's concurrence: By refusing to draw any distinction between civil and criminal cases insofar as VFV is concerned, Gorsuch seems to be reviving the non-delegation doctrine as a basis for striking down statutes.
These courses provide foreign - trained lawyers with a foundation in American common law doctrine as well as legal writing and research skills.
The Tribunal characterized the three elements of the promise doctrine as: (i) the identification of a «promise» in the patent disclosure, against which utility is measured; (ii) the prohibition on the use of post-filing evidence to prove utility; and (iii) the requirement for pre-filing evidence to support a sound prediction of utility to be included in the patent disclosure.
The court allowed AstraZeneca's appeal and struck down the Promise Doctrine as an error of law.
The nature of the task when construing a contractual waiver in accordance with the governing law of the contract, when combined with the KRG's acceptance of the doctrine as being a procedural matter, means that its argument that the Court has no jurisdiction to determine the issue of waiver under the Constitution of the UAE is bound to fail.
The court made it clear the duty of honesty can not be contracted out of, however, Cromwell did say parties should be free in some contexts to «relax» the requirements of the doctrine as long as they «respect its minimum core requirements.»
In this case, Congress basically codified the fair use doctrine as it was being used at the time by the courts.
Abrams offers the Fairness Doctrine as a case in point.
We typically adopt the Estrada doctrine as an alternative, what Alex terms as the «declarative theory,» although we have not done so consistently — as in Afghanistan under the Taliban.
The very next day, the United States Supreme Court confirmed the overbreadth doctrine as it applies to statutes, but said that Due Process vagueness challenges do not apply...
The decision in the Morrisons case is consistent with the vicarious liability doctrine as interpreted and applied by Canadian courts.
But this is simply the doctrine as it currently stands — just one more constraint liable to fall by the wayside in service of the «living tree.»
Within the past decade, banking and insurance companies have hired historical legal experts and spent a lot of time litigation over the US Federal Court system's power to issue equitable remedies such as the Mareva injunction and equitable liens to seize assets in federal litigation; the Alien Torts Act which has been used by international human rights organizations had its breadth restricted by use of 18th century views of the «law of nations» requiring recourse to historic writers like Hugo Grotius, and even administrative law has come under assault by dissents of Justice Thomas arguing that the «Chevron» doctrine of deference to agency interpretations of their own statutes should be set aside as being incompatible with the understanding of the American separation of powers doctrine as it was understood at the time of the country's founding.
As long ago as 2010, the Law Commission made suggestions for reform of the identification doctrine as part of a wider consultation.
George W. Bush himself seemed to endorse the doctrine as the budget surplus evaporated: in August 2001 he called the disappearing surplus «incredibly positive news» because it would put Congress in a «fiscal straitjacket.»
And there is no doctrine as far as I am aware that prescibes which quadrants of learning theory should be used together in any given circumstance.
On this basis, Armstrong suggests that we should not see one or another doctrine as right or wrong in of itself, but instead should look for the spiritual concept that lies at the root of each to find the commonalities of compassion and tolerance.
Armstrong suggests that we should not see one or another doctrine as right or wrong in of itself, but instead should look for the spiritual concept that lies at the root of each to find the commonalities of compassion and tolerance.
Again, this isn't so much opposed to Monroe Doctrine as the goal was preventing Communism from reaching the Americas.
It was two outside churchmen who made the apostolic claim for the teaching authority of the see in Rome, namely: the Syrian Hegesippus, who was concerned to ascertain the true apostolic doctrine as it was preserved in the episcopal succession, notably in Rome up to Eleutherus (174 - 89); and especially the presbyter and later bishop of Lyons, Irenaeus (d. 177 or 8).
Or, better yet, a Roseanne - Rosannadanna - style «NEVERMIND» from Rajan Zed, who got this nonsense going on Sunday when he issued a press release called «Hindus upset at labeling of rebirth doctrine as «horrible» by Boston professor.»
In his sickness he had to internalize that doctrine as he had never done before.
According to your own Magisterium, you are to submit to the RCC in all matters of doctrine as well as moral teachings.
Like Voltaire, who was ready to vouch for the sincerity of his professed belief in God, but who added «as for Monsieur the Son and Madame His Mother, that's a different story,» more and more Americans are giving lip service to belief in God, while adopting the discourse of «spirituality,» and treating conventional religious doctrine as a very different story.
If we follow the doctrine as developed in the text, neither physical objects nor scientific objects will meet this requirement of transcendence; physical objects are discriminated within nature as are, for that matter, scientific objects which are defined as the last stage in a series of abstractions (PNK 188).
Besides suggesting that we give up this doctrine reluctantly (whereas we do it with enthusiasm), Hasker's reference to the doctrine as «traditional,» with no qualification, could be taken to mean that the doctrine is biblical.
To identify the evaluation or rejection of doctrine as simply «confirming us in our selfishness» is such a self righteous (and stereotypical) way to defend religious doctrine and / or simple dogma whichever the case may be.
Not all organized religions follow the same rigid doctrine as the Catholic religion as you know.
Politician who use religious doctrine as a governing platform should be excluded from office.
In this paper, I will evaluate neither the process critique of the traditional doctrine of God nor the recent defenses of that doctrine as articulated by Burrell and others.
or do we have two sets of humans as per the israeli doctrine as it seems?
For the purposes of my argument, now, I wish to adopt this general doctrine as if it were established absolutely, with no possibility of restriction.
In a chapter in Truth as Encounter titled «Doctrine As Token and Framework, Indissolubly Connected with the Reality It Represents» he explains:
The Bible has just as much to say about this doctrine as it does about Jesus» resurrection.
He saw the upholders of this doctrine as false prophets.
A fourth argument has to do not so much with meaning or validity or doctrine as with the utilitarian and prudential question of what to do.
But to call yourself Catholic, you must embrace its doctrine as truth.
Most importantly, individual natural rights is an obsolete doctrine as well.
Taking up an idea expressed by Pope John XXIII at the opening of the Council, the Decree on Ecumenism mentions the way of formulating doctrine as one of the elements of a continuing reform... (For) doctrine needs to be presented in a way that makes it understandable to those for whom God himself intends it.
But this goes no further than the doctrine as Paul received it from the primitive church.
Of which, the point I believe you have more or less proven is that Catholic doctrine as well as people people in general can be fallible.
This is a view so obviously contrary to Catholic doctrine as to be no more than a convenient distraction from the main issue.
Where the magisterium does not reject a secular doctrine as directly or indirectly opposed to Revelation, it can only note the degree of probability attributed to the theory by secular science, state this and take it into account for the purpose of its own reflections, but can not establish and pronounce upon it.
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