Sentences with phrase «doctrine of»

Sure, that's an argument for my statement, seeing as how atheism does not constitute any set of doctrines of beliefs.
Unlike, say, every single other ebook agreement, possibly making new case law in doctrine of first sale as it applies to ebooks.
It has been suggested by some scientists and theologians that this provides a confirmation of the religious doctrine of creation.
Modern man has rejected the traditional Christian doctrine of original sin.
At a time when it could be argued that we most need it, we have lost the ancient Christian doctrine of original sin as a corporate human condition preceding and affecting each individual.
The role of analogy which I will develop differs, however, from the traditional doctrine of analogy.
It is at this point, I believe, that the traditional Christian doctrine of love is in the deepest trouble with sensitive and critical minds in modern culture.
Hence we do not have here a static doctrine of election but a dynamic theology which is oriented to the right attitude of the elect.
Is the gospel identical with the Protestant doctrine of salvation?
A high doctrine of Scripture and theological novelty do not go well together as everyone ought to be aware by now.
According to this strategy, evidence from history, moral philosophy, logic, and so on simply has nothing to do with whether or not certain doctrines of faith are true.
What's more, the legal doctrine of mitigation provides that once an employee has found another job, any income she earns will be credited against the amount her former employer owes her.
The old doctrine of vocation is unrealistic, especially for people who work in the industrial plants of our nation.
I think that I have thus presented the Catholic doctrine of justification, briefly, it is true, but without having left out anything really essential.
There can be no doubt that this dependence on others for a rich doctrine of human beings was a weakness of process theology.
The process doctrine of actual entity extends the notion of body to all the occasions in the universe.
This is a general doctrine of contract law that imposes as a contractual minimum a standard of honest contractual performance.
When I call myself an evangelical, I also remember this recent period when being an evangelical came to mean embracing justice while holding to central doctrines of the faith.
They'd based their position mainly on their understanding of the equitable doctrine of actual notice.
The idea of chosen people is otherwise expressed through the so - called doctrine of «election».
That principle, combined with its companion doctrine of implied repeal, means that the government of the day can not get it wrong.
If this were merely comic to me, it would be no good, but I accept the same fundamental doctrines of sin and redemption and judgment as they do.
Heck, I was thinking the same thing about the atheists that have their own self made doctrine of love and tolerance.
My point is not to develop a new doctrine of justification.
Thus he saw no obstacle to the development of a complete doctrine of natural law.
For the present, my aim has been to explore new foundations for the old doctrine of original sin, allowing us once again to name its power.
There is a long settled doctrine of resulting trust in favour of unjust enrichment.
Because of her understanding of the nature of man and his mortality, she saw no hope in any of the traditional doctrines of life after death.
The Buddhist doctrine of no - self is no doubt in tension with Christian thought, but it was not developed to counter it.
This, they argue, is the result of the court's own doctrine of allowing each country a margin of appreciation in how the convention is to be interpreted.
I don't believe they found that doctrine of good faith on its own can be used to imply terms.
This showed that even in what was a bad translation, the basic doctrines of the faith could be found in the text.
The response is not, therefore, serious debate of the alternative doctrines of nature that the discussion embodies but a not altogether benign neglect.
Moreover, it is a view fatal to the essential doctrine of the solidarity of the universe.
It is true that these questions link up with very general and fundamental problems of a philosophical and theological doctrine of man, and with problems of natural philosophy in its widest sense.
Religious doctrines of many faiths encouraged fasting as a method of obtaining a healthier body, mind and soul.
Rather than being spirit giving I have found and experienced many core doctrines of Christian belief to be spirit killing.
We should rather regard the command to love as the most foundational doctrine of the church and thus the most important doctrine to be correct on!
This fact gives ground for the historic doctrine of «the fall» of man.

Phrases with «doctrine of»

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