Sentences with phrase «doctrine of election»

Hence we do not have here a static doctrine of election but a dynamic theology which is oriented to the right attitude of the elect.
Until then, what questions and issues do you have about the biblical doctrines of election and predestination?
In Thomas the Jewish and Christian doctrine of election is pushed to its Gnostic extreme.
A dubious doctrine of election would interpret the speedy metabolism of the congenitally skinny as a mark of divine favor (I confess that sometimes I do wonder about those people) The proof of the pudding of gluttony lies not in the size of the body but in the shape of the embodied soul.
If you have questions about the biblical doctrine of election, this excellent book by Shawn Lazar will help you see why and who God elects.
It is known as the doctrine of election (from the Gr.
In my current project on the doctrine of election / predestination, I have also considered the position of Judas Iscariot, which could be regarded as a similar one.
Paul is confirming the doctrines of Election and Predestination applying to both Jewish and Gentile Christians (as he does throughout Romans).
They were not puppets in His hand, compelled to do His will without moral responsibility for their deed, but chosen because He saw that the very iniquity of their heart would lead them to the course that He could use (Rowley, Doctrine of Election, p. 40 - 41)
For this reason, he advises that we read the Dogmatics with Mozart's melodies playing in our ear: «It is in this way that one should read, for example, those pieces that seem like the powerful finale of a symphony: the end of Barth's doctrine of election..
Doesn't change the reality of the doctrine of election.
Even John Calvin himself believed in double - predestination, the modern Calvinists have done some pretty incredible mental gymnastics to try to avoid this inevitable conclusion of Calvin's doctrine of election.
But my doctoral studies propelled me back to the Reformation, especially to the connection between the doctrines of election and ecclesiology, and this in turn forced me back to Barth.
6 But see H. H. Rowley's discussion of «Election without Covenant,» The Biblical Doctrine of Election (London, 1950) PP. 121 if.
And how does the doctrine of election, as understood by some Calvinists, provide an unsatisfactory or incomplete view of God's grace as it relates to hell?
A second classical theme that needs to be given a new dimension is the doctrine of election.
And though they eventually made up, their disagreement has lived on in American evangelicals» waxing and waning debates about God's sovereignty and the doctrines of election and free will.
Now I know that there is a lot of controversy surrounding the doctrine of election and predestination.
Add to this Augustine's doctrine of election, which amounts to double predestination, and it is a little hard to see how such a God can unambiguously be called Love, or how his acts are innocent.
The claim that the central idea of Calvin's theology is God's sovereign omnipotence, which demands our complete obedience and which necessarily entails the doctrine of election and reprobation, is misleading on two grounds.
3) The central concept of Calvin's doctrinal system is God's sovereign omnipotence — a sovereignty that demands our complete obedience, and that necessarily entails the doctrine of election and reprobation.
Many of these theologians were influenced by Karl Barth, who put heavy emphasis on the doctrine of election and God's preference for the particular (e.g., Israel) over the general (universal truth claims).
One has to do with what the doctrine of election implies for the idea of God as the loving father of all human beings, and the other with the meaning of God's suffering in redemption.
It's an amazing perversion of the Doctrine of Election to imagine an entire world that has realized that it has not been chosen to receive grace.
This is the doctrine of election, which we will consider over the next several blog posts.
What questions and issues do you have about the biblical doctrines of election and predestination?
For, if man is saved by works, then the doctrine of election, and the sovereignty of God are no longer true.
The doctrine of election declares that God, before the foundation of the world, chose certain individuals from among the fallen members of Adam's race to be the objects of His undeserved favor.
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