Sentences with phrase «doctrine of the resurrection»

Even if we believe the Christian doctrine of the resurrection of the body, it is beyond our power to alter or manipulate the glorified body that will come after our time on earth.
His devotion to the Torah exhibits a knowledge of both written and oral law (a basic definition of Pharisaism as opposed to Sadducism and Essenism), and he repeatedly affirmed the Pharisaic doctrine of the resurrection of the body and the eternal life of the soul.
Josephus, too, described the Pharisaic doctrine of resurrection as one which involved the abandonment of the earthly body.
Theology responded to this new situation by reviving the ancient doctrine of the resurrection of the body.
This clearly calls into question the creedal doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body.
«A full - fledged doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, when it arrives,» Levenson writes, «reflects certain key features of the deep structure of the theology of pre-exilic Israel.»
The author provides an extended review of a book that describes how patristic and medieval thinkers dealt with the Christian doctrine of the resurrection of the body.
’26 Clearly, some members of the Corinthian church had rejected the Pharisaic doctrine of resurrection (or its Greek equivalent)-- a doctrine that was accepted by Jesus, by Paul, and by the evangelists.
The Pope reaffirms the Christian doctrine of the resurrection of the body as the definitive accomplishment of the redemption of the body and then considers Christ's words, «For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage.»
The difficulties with the doctrine of resurrection did not disappear after the victories of the Pharisaic party in Judaism and the orthodox in early Christianity.
Perhaps today the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead is simply too particular, too specific, too... biblical.
The question that Easter asks of us is not «Do we believe in the doctrine of the resurrection
While it is impossible in a scientific age to consider any literal acceptance of the doctrine of resurrection, it does point even better than the doctrine of immortality to some of the fundamentals of religious experience mentioned above.
The doctrine of resurrection is that man's destiny is to die but one day to be raised again to life, not as a disembodied spirit, but with a body — usually the original one possessed during life.
This is not gruesome: as Addis and Arnold wrote in relation to relics in their Catholic Dictionary, because of the doctrine of the resurrection of the body «Christians have lost that horror of dead bodies which was characteristic of the heathen».
The recovery of the doctrine of the resurrection of the body overagainst the immortality of the soul helped to prepare for Christian reaffirmation of the goodness of bodily existence and its sexuality.
R. H. Pfeiffer also says, «the Pharisaic doctrine of the resurrection is expounded in Vs. of Sol.
Athenagoras of Athens, one of the ablest of the early Christian apologists, set out to prove the doctrine of the resurrection on rational and philosophical grounds in his treatise, On the Resurrection of the Dead.
The doctrine of the resurrection affirms that man can not consummate history.
Secondly, the doctrine of resurrection had always had a close association with martyrdom, and consequently held a strong attraction for a struggling, persecuted community.
He said «a perishable body weighs down the soul, and its frame of clay burdens the mind so full of thoughts».26 Since the soul was thus thought to be eternal, immortal and indestructible, there was no need to resort to a doctrine of resurrection; on the contrary, the latter was deliberately avoided because no earthly and material things could compare with spiritual realities.
Nonetheless, in the doctrine of the resurrection of the body many generations of thoughtful and imaginative people have tried to envision what eternal life might be like; and, even more to the point, what it ought to be like if we are sensibly to desire it.
The Jewish doctrine of resurrection had not only preceded the rise of Christianity, but was also the necessary background for the expression of the Easter faith in terms of the resurrection of Jesus.
Thus we find that the doctrine of the resurrection which was current amongst the cultured Pharisees in the century immediately preceding the Christian era was of a truly nature.»
A doctrine of resurrection, involving a spiritual transformation, is found in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs, a work coming largely from the second century BC., but now known to have some later Christian interpolations in it.
The belief in the survival of the soul did not give rise to difficulties, but the impious objected with irony to the doctrine of the resurrection of the body: «Give us back our fathers if you speak the truth!»
Outside of conservative ecclesiastical circles, the doctrine of the resurrection of the body continued to appear anachronistic.
For example, in several of his works Niebuhr accords a central place to the doctrine of the resurrection.
For nothing shows better the radical difference between the Greek doctrine of the immortality of the soul and the Christian doctrine of the Resurrection.
Nothing shows better the radical difference between the Greek doctrine of immortality of the soul and the Christian doctrine of the Resurrection than the death of Socrates in contrast to the death of Jesus.
His discussion of the doctrine of the resurrection in terms of a deeper (pancosmic) relationship with the universe, while pregnant with possibility, is brief and somewhat vague.
They found no basis for a doctrine of resurrection in the «books of Moses,» the only scriptures they recognized as authoritative.
And the Encyclopedia of Religion begins its entry on an even starker note: «The Hebrew scriptures as a whole have no doctrine of resurrection
Nevertheless, it was subsequent to the period of Persian influence that the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead began to develop in Israel, at first for the just and later also for the wicked.
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