Sentences with phrase «doctrine of the trinity»

Both Jews And Muslims see the Christian doctrine of the Trinity as a blasphemous insult to the one God beside whom there can be no other.
The eternity of the Son was a major concern in the development of the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity in the early church.
Where I differ from Neville is in the belief that this divine act of being does not proceed from a totally indeterminate source but is rather the nature or common principle of activity for the three divine persons of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity who thus have a common past, present and future in terms of their relations to one another as well as with reference to all their creatures (cf. Bracken, The Divine Matrix 138 - 40).
To be sure, so brief a statement oversimplifies the tortuous labors and controversial disputes, which for some four centuries accompanied the formulation of the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity.
In fact, in the New Testament we do not find a formally developed doctrine of Trinity.
The defined doctrines of the Trinity and the Incarnation, and what I call the Johannine - Thomist view of Redemption (Jesus as the «blue - print» who traces out the divine plan for us, and accomplishes it by being the Channel of the Holy Spirit's coming), do not cause problems for evangelisation.
Although abstract, the triangular shapes in Claire Falkenstein's three - dimensional stained - glass windows are meant to symbolize the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity.
Some conservative Protestants hold to the ecumenical doctrine of the Trinity as expressed in the Creed of 381; others wish to use Nicene rhetoric but actually hold positions that run counter to that Creed.
But you left out some pretty crucial details, such as the fact that Mormons do not accept the pivotal doctrine of the Trinity.
When the Catholic church is examined carefully from its inception down through the centuries till now, it can be likened to a beast that has sought to control everyone through fear and intimidation, as during the Crusades and Inquisitions, slaughtering those who disagreed with its «policies» and beliefs, such as the unscriptural doctrine of the trinity.
''... It is possible to hold firmly to, proclaim and teach, the incarnation of God, the deity of Jesus Christ, even a full bodied doctrine of the Trinity, and not do it in a rigid, narrow, absolutistic way.
One of the relatively few Whiteheadians to attempt a process interpretation of the traditional doctrine of the Trinity is Lewis Ford.2 In an article for the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, which was subsequently revised and published as a chapter in his recent book The Lure of God Ford claims, first of all, that «God's relationship to the world necessarily entails a fundamental triunity» (LG 100).
But a truly social doctrine of the Trinity contains the vision of a community of women and men in church and society without privilege or subjection to each other - or to God.
Gregory of Nazianzus was involved in one of the early attempts to formulate a definitive doctrine of the Trinity, and he wrote, «It is difficult to conceive God but to define Him in words is an impossibility....
A traditional Christian, upholding the orthodox belief in God's absolute freedom with respect to creation can capture both these insights by a properly articulated doctrine of the Trinity.
Athanasius and the other fathers who struggled against the Arians for the Nicene doctrine of the Trinity were embroiled in serious exegetical arguments.
For the purpose of explicating this inner complexity of the Godhead the ancient doctrine of the Trinity is highly illuminating, as we shall see in the next chapter.
There is no explicit doctrine of the Trinity in the gospels, but these sayings about the Counselor became important material for the formation of that doctrine when, because of certain external pressures in the fourth century, the relation between God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit needed to be made explicit.
In particular, they have driven home to me the importance and significance of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity.
In fact, only if we allow for the introduction of other non-Biblical conceptualizations can we accept the orthodox doctrines of the Trinity and the Incarnation as legitimate Christian options.
Triangular bronze frames represent the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, while the structural pattern is infinitely expandable.
Brownson goes on to explain how our Constitution presupposes the truth of the doctrine of the Trinity, but I'll save that weighty explanation for another time.
Volf argues that Muslims have routinely misunderstood the doctrine of the Trinity as a form of polytheism, but the fact remains that traditional Muslims do not accept Jesus as the Son of God.
The Christological dogma, and with it the doctrine of the Trinity, are for just this reason much more clearly constitutive for Luther's theology of grace after 1518 than in the Lectures on Romans or the Heidelberg Disputation.
Another is the doctrine of Trinity.
Many readers of this blog will be blissfully unaware of a storm that erupted recently among conservative Protestants over the doctrine of the Trinity.
It is tempting to make things otherwise, but the theological consequences of abandoning this conviction are profound and far - reaching, touching even on a matter as fundamental as the doctrine of the Trinity.
A lot of churches believe in order to be considered a true Christian, you have to also accept the doctrine of the Trinity.
JH, Christians also believe and accept the doctrine of the Trinity which profess the divinity of Christ.
Any time you step away from the doctrines of the Trinity and the Incarnation you lose the beauty and power of the gospel.
taken the way he describes it totally denies the doctrine of the Trinity.
At Harvard Divinity School, with the encouragement of his mentor Paul Tillich, he immersed himself in the classic texts of Christian theology, with special attention to Christology and the doctrine of the Trinity.
Perhaps the doctrine of the Trinity challenges our secret wish to know God fully and eliminate all mystery.
It seems to me that instead of to explaining how these three things are really one things, we must try to do what the doctrine of the Trinity was originally formulated to do: give words the faith.
The book's title, The Birth of the Trinity, in fact understates the support it gives to the claim that the doctrine of the Trinity was not developed by the Church on slender foundations, but is found with significant richness in the New Testament.
Within our Christian community these days, the doctrine of the Trinity is called many things besides amazing.
The author argues that the doctrine of the Trinity is a useful unifying tool for witness.
Unfortunately it was very easy for those who followed this formulation to convert the doctrine of the trinity into tritheism.
Rather than insisting that scripture make the doctrine of the Trinity explicit, perhaps we should allow the Trinity to remain implicit and affirm it out of our own experience, our own living with God.
But the Christian missionaries also did not like the book because it repudiated the doctrine of the Trinity and condemned the Christians for their rejection of the Prophet of Islam.
He introduced the doctrine of the trinity into ecclesiastical language to describe what he called the divine economy.
«That's why the doctrine of the Trinity became so important, I guess,» said Chan - Hie, «once they brought in the Holy Spirit.
But what the doctrine of the Trinity expresses concerning the place of love and freedom in God's being is highly pertinent to the meaning of God for man.
He did not insist on holding to any particular Christology or doctrine of the Trinity, for example.
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