Sentences with phrase «doctrines about»

[66] This organizing principle of good faith manifests itself through the existing doctrines about the types of situations and relationships in which the law requires, in certain respects, honest, candid, forthright or reasonable contractual performance.
If future study reveals silent earthquakes to be a common feature of most large faults, then scientists will be forced to revisit long - held doctrines about all earthquakes.
First, there are faithful - enough poetic reflections on the doctrines about Heaven, which may (or may not) include a book like the Paradisio of Dante (the Hollanders are your Dante translators to get, BTW), or the last part of Wendell Berry's Remembering.
But its very success in creating a new community led to doctrines about that community that created new and even more intense divisions.
What is the relation between doctrines about Jesus and practical discipleship?
Some of these theologians, and others as well, believe that Christian theology is most relevantly compared with doctrines about the meaning of life that are usually called secular, such as communism, fascism, romantic naturalism, and rationalistic humanism.
It just doesn't necessarily follow, as we see Christendom at large believe orthodox doctrines about Jesus and remain unsaved.
We can understand all the key doctrines about Mary in this light.
Second, the doctrines about Mary and the resulting devotion to Mary arise almost exclusively, it seems to me, from the Catholic sacramental worldview.
We know that communism was a theology, a church militant, with sacred texts and with saints and martyrs and prophets, with doctrines about the nature of the world and of humankind, with immutable laws and millennial visions and life - pervading judgments about the nature of good and evil.
We do not just proclaim doctrines about him in a cold and formal way.
The question of how many men wrote the Book of Isaiah can not be answered by quoting doctrines about the Bible but only by detailed study of the text.
Similarly, the New Testament writers almost never develop any doctrines about Christ as part of systematic theological reflection.
So we underscore what was said earlier: the Bible does not present us with eternal doctrines about God but with a way of seeing how God spoke to men in their histories.
One hates to make old arguments, but if this education teaches (as other sections of the report make clear that is must) the familiar doctrines about how very wrong it is to impose any kind of normative standard on the many forms that peoples» desires can take, on what basis does it exclude pornography or the sexualization of young girls as legitimate forms of the varied human sexual appetite?
It is the central point in terms of which all other doctrines about God are formulated.
Well, those particular cherry picked lessons aren't too bad, though they ring hollow when married to the doctrine of an all loving god torturing people for all eternity just because they doubt his existence or simply believe the wrong doctrines about him.
Both Catholic and Protestant have often attributed to formal doctrines about God a finality they can not bear.
The possibility of paranormal cognition aside, the data for doctrines about past events are not consciously available.
contain doctrines about these realities.
Many evangelicals are beginning to grasp the fact, that certain ways of reading the Scriptures and certain doctrines about the Scriptures may actually become the means of oppression of modern women by the imposition of first century social patterns.
and he argues that the doctrines about him «name a mystery which is felt rather than thought; and people may very well feel differently about different ways of phrasing the mystery».
So calling it the «Inner Light» speaks to the experience of God, not to doctrines about God, and therefore keeps a proper emphasis.
Slightly improved doctrines about the oppressed, about women, about the body, about community, or about the whole of creation will not change the church much.
We usually focus on the content of faiths and policies in disputing groups; for example, the Catholic bishops» pastoral letters, the sermonic messages of Martin Luther King, Jr., and black churches, Mormon doctrines about equality or inequality, New Christian Right teachings based on revealed truths, or Jews» concepts of the land of Israel.
In terms of his natural theology, Mascall does not hesitate to deal with one of the most controversial of traditional doctrines about God, namely the doctrine that God is impassible.
So far as I know, this is the only rigorous formal classification (which as formal and a mere classification is beyond intelligent controversy) of possible doctrines about God — except mere dichotomies (e.g., God is or is not eternal, one with all reality, etc.), which are never very helpful because only one of the two classes has positive content.
If Jesus himself is central for people, I suppose they should be free to consider various doctrines about him.
He had advocated for the church to allow gay and lesbian leaders, campaigned against California's same - sex marriage ban and disputed deeply held church doctrines about the End Times.
The Church offers no doctrines about «ensoulment,» and entertains no «leap of faith» about the status of the unborn.
The Christians traditions I talked about have the same cult but different doctrines about that cult.
All of the posts so far show an extreme lack of understanding of Mormonism and it's doctrines about baptisms for the dead.
But one must also understand the ignorance of man like yourself, who has been mislead by false doctrines about God and have been blinded from the truth.
Christianity's doctrine about «the law» teaches that G - d is like Pharoh, demanding more than we can deliver.
What is more important, the earlier critics did less than justice to the fact that the Bible has its own doctrine about the nature of history, which deserves to be understood and appreciated in itself.
If, as some persons maintain, Christianity was a total transformation of the message of Jesus — a doctrine about Jesus rather than Jesus» own teaching — then it is of paramount importance to see how and why this transformation took place, or rather, first of all, whether the theory of transformation is true.
There are people who do not accept the full Christian doctrine about Christ but who are so strongly attracted by Him that they are His in a much deeper sense than they themselves understand....
A doctrine about hell being everlasting torment for all sinners is (to most people) self - evidently unjust and disproportionate.
«I guess I may be too insistent that a Christian has to make central some traditional doctrine about Jesus.
Mormonism has no authoritative doctrine about how this conception occurred, but placing the origin of at least some aspect of Jesus» body in God the Father seems to deny the traditional teaching that Jesus was conceived solely by the power of the Holy Spirit.
So my question is: Is there a distinctively process doctrine about how and why Scripture is related to and normative for Christian theology that would explain why it is important to attend to Scripture in these ways?
In his writings there is explicit acceptance of the traditional Catholic doctrine about Jesus and yet also a development of that doctrine with special emphasis on the cosmic Christ adumbrated in the Pauline literature and expounded by Teilhard in the evolutionary perspective.
Not in that you are saying that any doctrine about a real presence of Jesus in Communion is wrong, but in the line «To think and believe otherwise is silly and a horrible deception of the truth.»
Nowhere in the New Testament will you find the word «Trinity,» nor any speculative doctrine about it, but you do find «the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.»
Conflicts of doctrine about human nature between investigators in different disciplines must then be ascribed to errors in inquiry, or to an epistemological imperialism that arbitrarily limits the admissible perspectives, or to an incorrect analysis of the relation of the several perspectives to one another.
We are justified by faith in the Messiah not by believing the correct doctrine about justification.
The Bible is not so interested in teaching a doctrine about God as it is in eliciting a kind of relationship to him.
Similarly no one religious faith or religious conception of the Ultimate Reality or even any one doctrine about the relation between religions should be made integral to Open Secularism.
The Church has not changed her doctrine about this fight.
But I would strongly caution against making a «law» or doctrine about it.
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