Sentences with phrase «documents negative effects»

Moreover, broad evidence documents negative effects of stress on relationship quality.
There is now a large amount of evidence documenting the negative effects of overuse on people's psychology, neurology, and now, in this study, on their physiology.
Kessler Foundation MS study documents negative effect of warmer weather on cognitive performance
Given the well - documented negative effects of booze — from diminished performance, mental impairment, possible addiction, diabetes and liver disease — maybe you want to steer clear of the hooch for a while.
Personal practice helps to ensure effectiveness, and it helps to prepare you for thing that could come up with your novice client - practitioners («dark nights of the soul» regarding some possible documented negative effects).
Aspartame may cause cancer and has well documented negative effects on your body.
Studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Pediatrics, and the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry document the negative effects of hunger on children's academic performance and behavior in school.
Studies and analyses conducted by Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman and many others have documented the negative effect on returns that behavioral errors have.

Not exact matches

Most large studies documenting cancer rates haven't found significant evidence that cell phone use raises cancer rates or causes other negative health effects.
CBD is legal to sell in all 50 states, and there are no documented negative side effects.
However, unlike conventional agricultural practices which use large amounts of arsenic - based herbicide, insecticide and feed formulations — organic agriculture strictly prohibits their use — as well as a wide range of toxic pesticides with documented negative health and environmental effects that end up on and in our food supply on a daily basis.
The health and social care bill's slow progress through parliament comes amid an ongoing battle over the transition risk register, a currently secret document detailing the government's assessment of the potential negative side - effects of its proposed changes.
«It's well - documented that smoking cigarettes while pregnant leads to a range of negative health effects on fetuses, including increased risk of low birth weight and preterm delivery, and greater rates of asthma and learning disabilities,» she says.
The negative effects of heat on human cardiovascular, cerebral and respiratory systems are well documented.
Plus, the negative effects of stress on the body have been well - documented, and these factors could also affect IVF outcomes.
You may have read the negative stories and tragedies about the suicidal effects of Prozac that are well documented.
When approached by 60 Minutes producer Lowell Bergman (Al Pacino) to help «translate» some documents, Wigand eventually finds himself willing to spill the beans about what «Big Tobacco» CEOs really know about the negative effects of their product.
Research on the negative effects of low expectations, inequitable funding, retention, tracking, and mis - assignment to special education are well documented.
A top - down union that fails to address broader problems rooted in class and racial inequality and whose capitulation on major issues (as identified in planks 1 - 4 of this document) has had a disproportionately negative effect on communities of color and those who live in poverty.
Given the well - documented negative psychosocial and economic effects on the outcomes of teenage parents (Kiselica & Pfaller, 1993; Coren et al., 2003; Freudenberg & Ruglis, 2007; National Conference of State Legislatures, 2013; Einhorn, 2015), we believe it is vital that school systems offer some means of providing the resources they need to mitigate these effects.
Similar negative health effects have been documented in canines from consuming too many artificial preservatives, and as such, you should try and avoid them wherever possible.
Introduced cats are responsible for the decline of native mammals in Australia (Risbey et al. 2000; Wheeler and Priddel 2009; Moseby et al. 2009; Frank et al. 2014), and several island studies have documented strong negative effects by cats on local endemic fauna (e.g., Fitzgerald and Veitch 1985; Medina and Nogales 2009; Bonnaud et al. 2012).
The negative effects of the rapid introduction of new genetic traits on the health have been best documented in the «The Rare Color Bulldog Craze».17 Indeed, English bulldog breeders appear to be more interested in adding recessive coat color mutations to increase puppy value than eliminating known deleterious mutations.
Their paper argued, «a growing body of scientific research reports the wide array of negative effects of AGW on biodiversity» by citing Parmesan whose bogus claims about the negative effects of climate change on wildlife are well documented.
The negative effects of global warming have been well - documented by activist politicians and scientists such as Al Gore and David Suzuki, but the positive effects have so far received less attention.
Another trend — exemplified by the humanizing law school movement — seeks to improve both learning and student well - being by decreasing some of the well - documented negative psychological effects of law school created in part by the focus on competition and extrinsic motivation.8 Law schools are beginning to respond to these reports by revising their curricula and preparing for anticipated changes in the American Bar Association (ABA) standards for law school accreditation that will require a greater focus on student assessment and outcome measures.9
Because of this, the quality of this document can have a positive or negative effect on your possibilities.
This randomized controlled study examines whether Family Foundations (FF)-- a transition to parenthood program for couples focused on promoting coparenting quality, with previously documented impact on maternal stress, depression, and anxiety — can buffer the negative effects of maternal mental health problems.
Thus, to the extent that experiencing disapproval of one's relationship is stressful (which the data suggest), this provides a rather intuitive explanation for the negative health effects documented in this study.
For example, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of children entering foster care due to prenatal substance exposure.36 The negative effects of substance exposure on the fetus and developing child have been extensively documented, although scholars emphasize the variability in outcomes as well as the contribution of multiple ecological factors to outcome.37
Such results are in line with experiments manipulating negative child behaviour to investigate its causal effect on parenting.16 Such experimental efforts to document truly causal effects have not been undertaken with positive child behaviour.
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