Sentences with phrase «does effective participation»

So, what does effective participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in decision making look like?

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If you think your union should be doing better at online organizing, consider using this as your check list for promoting more, and more effective labor participation at Netroots Nation:
Obiano urged the people yet to come out to do so, noting that effective participation by the people was the only way they could support the advancement of democracy.
I don't think their submissions clearly demonstrate the harm to the voting interests and the effective political participation of covered minorities groups.
Political scientists have studied why people don't vote and some effective ways to improve voter participation.
Once a book has been enrolled in the affiliate program for more than 30 days, when authors and publishers make certain adjustments to their participation, such opting out of the program, or reducing their juicing rate, these changes don't become effective until the first day of the next month.
«Without a guarantee to ensure their rights and their full and effective participation, REDD will do them more harm than good.»
«does not enable an organisation such as LZ to be ensured effective judicial protection of the various specific rights inherent in the right of public participation, within the meaning of Article 6 of the Aarhus Convention» (para 68).
Effective social media participation does not have to be time - consuming.
The good news: Effective social media participation does not have to be time - consuming.
South Africa, therefore, encourages States that have not met their obligations with regard to assessed contributions to do so to ensure effective implementation and partiCipation in future meetings.»
The full and effective participation of Indigenous communities is crucial to the elaboration of state - developed mitigation measures to ensure that such schemes do not negatively affect vulnerable communities.
Nevertheless, the priority in agreement - making lies with avoiding an excess of ad hoc and isolated agreements that do not take into account local and regional needs, resources, options for efficient and effective service delivery and meaningful participation of Indigenous partners.
The aim of capacity building is to ensure Indigenous people have the opportunity for effective ongoing participation in decisions affecting their land; it does not make those decisions.
Agreement making processes based on consultation alone do not satisfy the principles of equality and effective participation required under international law.
In the Social Justice Report 2006 I argued that the Commonwealth government's «new arrangements» in Indigenous affairs did not enable the effective participation of Indigenous peoples in decision making and in fact constitute the fundamental flaw of those arrangements.
While some of these reviews allowed extensive consultation with Indigenous people, they did not amount to effective participation which includes the prior and informed consent of Indigenous people to the policy goals adopted, their implementation and their evaluation.
It is on this basis, that I would argue that policy making processes based on consultation alone do not satisfy the principles of equality, equity and effective participation required under international law.
As NSWALC submitted to the UNPFII, «[g] enuine and effective consultation does not just involve discussion; it requires active and informed participation in the decision making process».
In this chapter the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commissioner, Dr Bill Jonas expresses concern that the minimum standards which the Commonwealth presently applies to state - based native title regimes do not incorporate the human rights of Indigenous people as expressed through the principles of equality and effective participation (p49).
I don't underestimate the challenge that effective participation, grounded in the rights set down in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples poses for governments.
Policy making processes based on consultation alone do not satisfy the principles of equality, equity and effective participation required under international law.
Policy making processes that are based on consultation alone do not satisfy the principles of equality, equity and effective participation required under international law.
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