Sentences with phrase «does paid speaking engagements»

Constine occasionally does paid speaking engagements at conferences funded by companies he does not cover.
Do paid speaking engagements risk jeopardizing the integrity of political decision - making?

Not exact matches

And so while we can squabble about just what Justin Trudeau should or should not do, our effort is much better spent thinking about the question one level up, as some commentators have already begun doing: Should sitting Members of Parliament like Trudeau accept paid speaking engagements?
But I don't accept paid speaking engagements from these organizations, or any of the companies I cover, nor do I accept any products or gifts from them.
The government is charged vociferously with paying too much attention to faith groups (accused by left - liberal secularists of an unprincipled timidity on faith schools, being too open to faith engagement in third sector; and of being generally rather socially conservative; and, alternatively, by the right having a cynical multiculturalist approach to minority faiths as electoral blocs) and also of too little attention to faith (with some «competitive grievance» claims that Muslims are getting too much attention, by some claiming to speak for some other minority faiths and by some Christian voices; and traditionalists who think there is a secret project to do in every institution).
A total of 18 MPs reported doing regular media work or speaking engagements and 27 reported having a paid directorship, consultancy or advisory role.
This year, I have committed to become a Member of National Speaker's Association, which means I have to do a certain number of paid speaking engagements and also receive a number of testimonials.
You could do so in the number of speaking engagements you obtain or in how much you get paid for them after release of your book, for instance.
Jenny's shop did really well, and she started to do some public speaking engagements about gluten free cakes and marketing, and she was paid for this.
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