Sentences with phrase «does run the gauntlets»

It seems that the redundancies of bitter atheists does run the gauntlets of chaliced forsakenness.
Faith does run the gauntlets of all societal quandaries be they Godly or even godless and also ungodly.

Not exact matches

While Andrew Garfield does an admirable job of transforming his «aw shucks» character into a man of steadfast conviction who runs a brutal gauntlet to prove his worth, Vince Vaughn feels out of place in every scene.
We see brutality, as the Irish prisoners are forced to bathe and run a gauntlet of British guards, in riot gear, as they are beaten by batons that are being banged against plastic shields, but McQueen does a wise thing, and briefly shows a split screen shot of one of the guards, who has snuck away from the gauntlet, and is weeping in a dark private room.
When a film like that is released late in the game people have already fallen in love with it, studios have already gotten it seen by people who do early voting so it is likely that the PGA will have seen it — it is likely that it will have already run the Twitter gauntlet and passed with flying colors.
«Many of those who escape do so for one generation only: as things now are, their children may have to run the gauntlet all over again.»
If running around with these green gauntlets doesn't sound like a good time, we don't know what does!
The only place that I know you don't have to «run the gauntlet» to make sure you have bought an ISBN in your own name is either directly from RR Bowker or
Apple does have a little known process to publish your own books but it involves a validated ePub file, ISBN identifiers from the Library of Congress and a willingness to run the gauntlet of contracts, paperwork, and use iTunes Connect.
In Japan, the bull is believed to be the most potent of animals, though in Beijing, people aren't so cocksure and don't mind running a gauntlet of penises to guarantee the highest probability of potency.
I found out that if you use the Infinity Gauntlet attack on her in the very beginning, it will give you just enough time to run in and do all your runic attacks hurting her a bunch for free.
As for the mode itself, update v4.1's patch notes don't specify an exact timescale for Infinity Gauntlet Mashup, besides saying it'll run for a «limited time.»
«The game we're representing today really represents the best of the ideas that have run through that gauntlet of game development, which is pretty typical for how we do things.»
It is difficult to square the various statements encouraging this sort - of gauntlet run through peer - review that everyone must do, despite also admitting that you do not the science permitting potential publications to all approach the batter's box equally.
As far as members of private sector schemes are concerned, the Human Rights Act 1998 does not apply although providers will no doubt wish to avoid running the gauntlet of operating schemes which discriminate unfairly on grounds of marital status.
The kids have to run the gauntlet of clothes piles and baskets on the way to their bedrooms (but I don't think they really care).
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