Sentences with phrase «does serve a useful purpose»

However, hiding does serve a useful purpose: it keeps others from dealing to you the same that you have attempted to deal to me.
(On the other hand, it does serve a useful purpose as a red flag.)
Very few job - seekers ever get a job through this method; however, job ads do serve a useful purpose in researching the qualifications employers seek.

Not exact matches

These are expensive exercises, which do not seem to serve any useful purpose The Committee failed to abide by the last part of its first recommendation — «irresponsible spending».
Or do yu think your comments serve any useful purpose othrewise.
I would imagine logic and rational thought serve a useful purpose to find cause for continued existence in a cold universe where God is not to be found in hard times that do and will come.
I'm not a practice, but I think if done right (picking something that really impacts your life) this kind of practice could serve a useful purpose as a reminder of the target of contemplation.
They do not serve any useful purpose.
Mobiles can serve several useful purposes as well: They can keep a baby somewhat entertained if you just need to PUT THEM DOWN somewhere while you do something else (which is why so many swings and bouncy seats are also equipped with music / lights / things that move).
«If the President is of the view that any useful purpose will be served by the person who is the subject of this investigation stepping aside or being suspended in the meantime [he can do so].
The reason Harriet wasn't made deputy PM is that, unlike Prescott, she simply didn't serve a useful enough purpose.
In other words, does the product serve a useful purpose, like a washing machine or a lawnmower, or is it typically bought just for pleasure, like movie tickets or a fancy new watch?
But hiccups do not seem to serve any useful purpose.
doing stuff like 5 × 5 is only necessary if you're training for powerlifting competition or you're in some other sport that requires a high power - to - bodyweight ratio; it really doesn't serve any useful purpose as part of a general health regimen.
In a series of questions about the state's dismissal laws, and whether they serve a useful purpose, Seymour agreed that they do, saying they help «protect teachers from arbitrary decisions that might be made by a principal or district for reasons not related to their teaching competence.»
Amazon's contention does not appear to offer any insight into this; Amazon does not, it appears, seem to want to consider the idea that offering work at multiple price points above and below $ 9.99 might be useful to me or to my publisher, because it has decided that $ 9.99 serves its own purposes sufficiently well.
Fixed value points don't get as much attention in the blogosphere and aren't as useful for super glamorous redemptions, but they can still serve a very valuable purpose in your overall rewards strategy.
One is serious in its interest in social and political issues, like what Brecht and Weill were doing with their work that served socially, politically useful purposes, and the other is playful and humorous, which was insightfully brought up in Lynne Cooke's excellent catalogue essay for your show at the Stedelijk van Abbemuseum in the Netherlands [Allan McCollum: The Art of Duplicitous Ingemination, 1989]?
My concern as a political scientist is that what governments need are goals that have some plausible and immediate — or at least reasonable — connection to things that they actually do, and if the goals are so far removed from things that they can actually do and actually will do, then the goal really serves no useful strategic purpose.
These documents, while serving a useful purpose in providing guidelines for scenario use, did not fully address the science of climate scenario development.
In finding that the decision of the Majority was unreasonable, the Court was not, however, prepared to substitute its own view for that of the panel, finding that it could only be done in cases where the facts of the case permit only one reasonable result and remitting the case back for a new hearing «would serve no useful purpose».
Finally, the Court acceded to the CLA's request for a declaration, concluding that declaratory relief would serve a useful purpose given that the Ministry had refused to exercise its discretion properly, despite the IPC's orders that it do so.
Unfortunately, statewide averages on auto insurance premiums do not serve a useful purpose for most drivers in America.
We try to discern whether any of these extra features are particularly useful, or just frills that look nice but don't serve a practical purpose.
Taking time with a family to evaluate the therapeutic journey can serve a dual purpose: to highlight what was most useful for a family (brought to mind as an internal resource when the therapeutic journey has ended); and to assist our own developmental journey, to know directly from families what was useful and what did not go so well.
The French country decor is functional and beautiful, and French do not like throw something away if it can serve a useful or attractive purpose, and that is what creates the love of second hand markets and shops.
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