Sentences with phrase «dog chasing one's tail»

Why do dogs chase their tails so suddenly and obsessively?
Anybody with any sense from my generation who was serious about painting by the late»60s had to realize that the psychedelic was a perpetual dog chasing its tail.
Many dogs chase their tails and its occurrence shouldn't be seen as a problem immediately.
Dog chases its tail multiple times per day and usually in situations where the dog has to wait for food or when owner talks to other people.
«Bored» dogs chased their tails significantly more (Kruskal - Wallis Test x21, 164 = 21.48, p < 0.001) than dogs, whose owners had indicated some other option as the trigger for TC.
«Anybody with any sense from my generation who was serious about painting by the late»60s had to realize that the psychedelic was a perpetual dog chasing its tail,» he said in a 2007 interview with The Brooklyn Rail.
Instead, I got to hang out with my kid all day, play pretend, make art and food, laugh, and watch my son turn like a dog chasing his tail as he tried to see the design on the bottom of his brand - new big boy underwear.
You make no sense... resemble a dog chasing his tail.
The story runs around in so many circles, like a dog chasing its tail, and by the time we reach the end there isn't one hint of satisfaction.
Ravitch cites «For the past 30 years, U.S. educators have been like a dog chasing its tail.
It is just a dog chasing its tail at this point.
Sounded to me like a dog chasing its tail, but I thought the practice wouldn't hurt.
Some dogs chase their tail for fun and others do it out of nervous energy or as an obsessive behavior.
In some cases, separation anxiety triggers nonstop barking or even a form of OCD that makes the dog chase its tail incessantly.
Some dogs chase their tails.
Look up «dog chasing tail» on YouTube, and you will find thousands of videos showing breeds, ranging from sprightly adult collies to yipping tiny lap dogs running around in circles, trying to catch their elusive tail.
Other examples include snapping at the air for no apparent reason (fly biting) and spinning in circles (though a dog chasing his tail is still normal!).
so the assumption of a dog chasing tail is compulsive behavior or a bored dog is a good assumption.
Say the family laughed a few times when the dog chased tail, now the dog learns it's a way to receive attention (something most dogs are all about).
Severity is described by the TCindex, which is a sum of two questions «Does your dog chase its tail
TCindex (0 — 12) is a sum of numerical answers to the questions «Does your dog chase its tail
The more the dog chased its tail, the more difficult it was for the owner to stop the behaviour (Spearman correlation coefficient; N = 83, r = 0.38, p < 0.001) and the less it reacted to the owners» calls (Spearman correlation coefficient; N = 89, r = 0.27, p = 0.009), indicating that the severity of the TC affects the dog's awareness.
Doing that is like a dog chasing its tail.
If you have struggles with daily life functioning, unorganized thought processes, and traumatic events that have happened in your life and feel like a dog chasing his tail, I would like to help or help you find the help needed.
I'm pretty creative until I start to redo my own home I'm like a dog chasing its tail.
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