Sentences with phrase «dog consumption»

Human food is not intended for dog consumption because the nutrients and minerals that these type of food contains does not match the nutrient requirements of dogs and even other animals.
The country has begun shifting away from dog consumption as pet ownership has increased, with one in five households owning either a dog or a cat as of 2016.
You are right, they are not made for dog consumption, but can be used occasionally for the once a week training session in class.
From the Declaration of Independence to information about hot dog consumption on this dazzling day filled with fireworks and celebration.
One more caution: these berries are considered safe for dog consumption, but they do contain small amounts of xylitol, a natural sweetener that is toxic to dogs in high doses.
And yet, as you invert that candy - red bottle and allow its sludgy contents to creep over an innocent charred sausage, it's obvious that you're woefully ill - equipped for hot dog consumption, your life is missing something, and — let's just get it out there — the world is a messed - up place.
My mum uses an empty facial cream bottle to store supplements for my dog consumption though she washed it real clean with no smell, is it safe?
Vitamins and supplements containing Omega fatty acids that are approved for dog consumption can also help.
Because food such as hotdogs, roast chicken and beef steak are usually not prepared for dog consumption.
Some dogs can be allergic to it and you don't want to overdo it, the verdict is not quite out if it is truly safe for dog consumption.
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