Sentences with phrase «dog dental disease»

There are other signs of dog dental disease that are not as noticeable as tartar or gum inflammation around the dog's teeth.
Like most small breed dogs dental disease is especially prevalent.
Dogs that salivate excessively or paw at their mouth may also be showing symptoms of painful dog dental disease.
The most common sign of dog dental disease is halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath.
Your vet will generally want to do an exam to see how severe your dogs dental disease is.
Dog dental disease can be very painful for your pet.
Dog dental disease can also be spotted by changes in the gums.
Dog dental disease can cause severe inflammation of the gums and socket of the tooth.
Red, rather than pale pink gums are also indicative of dog dental disease.
Generally, that's because few pet owners take their dog to a doggie dentist (yes, there is such a thing; you often find them at animal hospitals or sophisticated vet practices), and dog dental diseases are fairly common (the most common disease in dogs and cats, in fact, and it's very preventable, according to the American Veterinary Dental College).
In fact, dog dental disease has been linked to kidney failure in dogs because of the bacteria that traveled from their mouths into their bloodstream and then into other organs.
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