Sentences with phrase «dog dumping ground»

Kimmy came from The Redlands, a dog dumping ground in South Florida.

Not exact matches

An expositional history of the cat - loving culture portrays how dogs have come to be banished to the dumping ground of the rather efficiently named Trash Island a la Escape from New York style.
These are also signs that we are responsible members of our communities as we do not let our dogs contribute to land, air, and water pollution by simply dumping their wastes on open ground.
«In fact, the U.S. already has become a dumping ground for foreign «puppy mill» and rescue dogs, importing close to 1 million rescue dogs annually from Turkey, several countries in the Middle East and as far away as China and Korea, according to the National Animal Interest Alliance.»
Without these new regulations, the US would become the dumping ground for the world's stray dogs.
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