Sentences with phrase «dog emailed at this time»

Not exact matches

I have a hard enough time getting out of bed at 5:15 am and then am greeted by a dog extremely needy for attention, kids to get ready for school, email to respond to, social media to monitor and loads of other things — like dishes and laundry!
What about taking down time on a park bench during your work day, taking an evening stroll with the dog instead of an elliptical session at the gym, turning around at mile 25 instead of mile 45 on your bike ride, and going to sleep instead of going to the email inbox?
Therefore, we ask that people who want surrender a dog, email us at [email protected] in advance so that we can schedule a surrender time and make arrangements for the dog.
Please note: This adoption agreement is not to be completed until your Adoption Application is approved, and it is not valid until signed by a rocket dog representative, at which time a fully executed (signed by both parties) will be emailed to you.
Therapy Fur Persons Longmeadow, MA James Allen Russell (413) 567-0700 Email: [email protected] New Hampshire Caring Animal Partners PO Box 1304 New London, NH 03257 Email: [email protected] Rhode Island * Vermont Therapy Dogs of Vermont * We have no information regarding programs in these states at this time.
And keep in contact with them, every time you win at a dog show, title a dog or get some health results back send them an email, fill it with photos!
All our dogs have pages on this site (under this «Adopt» link) and also on our Petfinder page Take a look, and then email us (at [email protected]) to tell us which dogs seem like a potential good fit, and we can set up a time to meet.
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