Sentences with phrase «dog for that matter»

It should be sufficient to understand that pit bull terriers or any other dog for that matter require the following nutrient compositions.
Don't expect puppies (or adult dogs for that matter) to automatically understand and read your mind.
The average temperature of a toy dog, or teacup dog for that matter, is around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, so many kings and lords would have these tiny dogs as a means to stay warm in the winter.
Many dogs for that matter, especially those that are considered the most family friendly dogs in our society today, will be aggressive towards animals, even species such as squirrels, raccoons, et cetera.
Like many humans, even though I probably shouldn't do so as a trainer, I sometimes humanize dog behavior and I don't believe my dogs, or most dogs for that matter, are interested in meeting EVERY dog in our neighborhood any more than I am interested in engaging in conversation with every human I encounter on our walks.
It is really important to know what is in the food you have chosen for your Springer (or any other dog for that matter).
So let's keep on using this example: scolding a puppy (or even an adult dog for that matter) that is new to your home, and hasn't been house trained yet, when it has an «accident» like this, is useless.
Purchasing a Pomsky (or any dog for that matter) is so much more than just a quick transaction.
Kim has a VERY great page that you should definatly read if you are looking to purchase a puppy, or any dog for that matter.
You might be tempted to think that a dachshund, or any dog for that matter, doesn't need man - made toys.
As we shall see later on, the best kind of diet for a pitbull or for any dog for that matter is one that has a good mix of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
We don't want our kids attacked by a pit bull or any dog for that matter.
Remember that training a puppy or a dog for this matter takes time and it's very important to have patience.
Never give a puppy (or any dog for that matter) a toy that has parts that could easily be chewed off and swallowed.
There are really only three rules to successful crate train any retriever — or any dog for that matter.
An uncaring or negligent person should not buy an AmStaff or an APBT (or any other dog for that matter).»
How can anyone expect a puppy, or any dog for that matter to understand the concept of «house breaking», unless humans take the time to «explain» it to them and teach all that they will need to know to live «sociably» and in a «civilized» manner.
A Husky will give his all and will respond to your cues of Gee «turn right» and Haw «turn left» if you have taken the time to really bond with your husky or any other dog for that matter.
We do not like for anyone to label our dogs, or any dogs for that matter, as «tough.»
Here again there are two schools of thought in terms of using rewards to housetrain a Shih Tzu, or any dog for that matter.
I can not stress enough that this recipe is NOT nutritionally balanced for pregnant dogs (or any dog for that matter).
This is a great course for all the juvenile pups that need a little help with their manners, or any dog for that matter!

Phrases with «dog for that matter»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z