Sentences with phrase «dog gains weight»

The result is our older dogs gain weight when they should be losing excess pounds.
A few bites here and there are fine, but the processed carbs found in hot dog buns are full of sugar and can make sedentary or older dogs gain weight.
But by six weeks of age, small and big dogs gain weight very differently.
Large - breed dogs gain weight and grow much faster than small - breed dogs.
Answer by starrybuckaroo91 you should not try to make your bull dog gain weight when he is over weight he will be sluggish and lazy.
Cats and dogs gain weight after they've been spayed or neutered: Barring a health problem, dogs and cats gain weight because they eat too much and get too little exercise.
Treats are often the reason why dogs gain weight despite their relatively healthy and varied main meals.
Dogs gained weight over the winter from the lack of exercise and the holiday season.
The recipe for Satin Balls was specifically created to help dogs gain weight quickly.
Is your dog gaining weight?
Is there any way I can help my dog gain weight and find a food he loves?
If your dog gains weight they may get very slightly larger but it shouldn't be very noticeable.
This is when the metabolism decreases greatly and the dog gains weight rapidly.
Eggs (hard - boiled or scrambled) are a good snack to help dogs gain weight.
Water won't make the dog gain weight, and with as much water as it's drinking it could help it lose weight really.
Breed, age, food selection, state of health and a variety of other factors can determine how quickly a dog gains weight, and what kind of nutrition he needs to help control it.
On the other hand, if your dog gains weight yet its appetite is poor, you should also be concerned.
Answer by damaryia in reply to Stephen A yeah yeah yeaeaeah I know all of that but what I need to know is how to make my dog gain weight just because I will like the way he looks
It has been suggested that these dogs gain weight due to increased appetites and / or decreased activity levels.
It is easier to help your dog gain weight than to lose it, and even one extra pound can be significant for a toy breed like the Shih Tzu.
If dogs get more carbohydrates than they expend in energy, however, the carbohydrates turn to fat and the dog gains weight.
Just like humans, dogs gain weight if they eat too much and exercise too little or if they are genetically programmed to be overweight.
Simply put, your dog gains weight when he eats more calories than he burns.
Last but not least, these treats clock in at only only 3 calories a piece — so you don't need to worry about your dog gaining weight in the process!
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