Sentences with phrase «dog lunged»

A tenant was found to be an «occupier» of its premises and potentially liable when a dog lunged at a party on the adjacent sidewalk, causing her to fall on the basis of allegedly having allowed a condition or activity on its premises to flo...
New York City graduate student Lacey Brown was walking her roommate's German shepherd last fall when the dog lunged and bit an elderly neighbor on the wrist.
When the dog lunged at the officer, he used his service weapon and killed the dog.
The dog lunged and bit her in the backside before her friends drove it away by throwing stones.
The growling increased and the dog lunged for Mr. Jackson's face.
A car swerving toward our car or a snarling dog lunging at us are the sorts of stimuli that millions of years of biological and cultural evolution have prepared us to recognize as threats.
If your dog lunges when it sees another dog or person during walks, it means your dog is not getting the leadership it needs from the human on the other end of the leash.
Perhaps your dog lunges and barks at other dogs, making you dread taking your dog for a walk?
If you live in the Midtown Atlanta area and your dog lunges and barks at other dogs in the elevator, please shoot us an email.
With so little body fat, the internal organs (kidney, liver, etc) can be injured if your dog lunges suddenly and is wearing a harness that loops around the rear hips.
Is your dog lunging, barking or growling at other dogs while on leash?
Try to stay as relaxed as possible when you see a dog or if your dog lunges.
There are some deluxe models with modifications such as reflective stripes, padded handles for your comfort, and stretch construction to ease the strain on hands and shoulders should your dog lunge or pull.
When a dog lunges forward and pulls you toward that awesome smelling mailbox, don't say «no» or «whoa» and then let them get their sniff in.
If your dog lunges, pulls toward or barks at other dogs on walks, you know how stressful and embarrassing it can be.
Is your dog lunging and barking at other dogs?Our leash reactivity program is an in - home course for city dogs that teaches your dog to be calm in the presence of other dogs.
That's why dogs lunge at motorcycles and skateboards, bark (or try to bite!)
Others will parade another dog close by to see if the dog lunges, barks or growls.
If your dog lunges, barks, growls, shakes, refuses to walk forward and displays fearful body language, then your dog doesn't like public walks.
Does your dog lunge at other dogs along the way?
The first step to stopping your dog lunging is first identifying the cause of his discomfort, and then working to desensitize him to the stimulus that makes him uncomfortable.
Try to stay as relaxed as possible when you see a dog or if and when your dog lunges.
If your dog lunges at someone, you can get sued.
The owner develops a cycle — dog lunges, owner stops walks, dog does not learn to ignore bikes, owner tried again in a few months hoping dog grew out if it, dog lunges, owner stops walks...
Often, I get calls from people who will not walk their dogs as the dogs lunge at bikes, other dogs, etc..
Does your dog lunge or pull toward other dogs and people?
If your dog lunges at the pizza delivery guy and the guy immediately leaves, your dog will repeat the lunging behavior.
Always keep your pet on leash, and make sure his collar or harness is properly secured at can not be pulled off by the dog lunging on the leash.
Race Riot, a 5 1/2 - foot - wide four - panel work in acrylic and ink on linen, repeats in red, white and blue an image published in Life magazine showing police dogs lunging at a black man during a 1963 demonstration in Birmingham, Ala..
When a dog lunges forward at an individual, the consequences can be disastrous.

Not exact matches

Warrior (standing lunges) are weight bearing, Downward Dog, bears weight on your hands, etc..
Wishy - washy responses may make life easier in an uncertain world where we do not know which way an errant football will bounce, or whether a growling dog will lunge.
Other good moves to include: bird dogs and figure eight lunges.
Warrior I (Right Side): From downward - facing dog, step your right foot forward into a lunge and swivel your left heel down to the mat to come up into a warrior I pose with the arms reaching up overhead.
Lizard Lunge (Right Side): From downward - facing dog, raise your right leg in the air, bending the knee to open up the hip.
We started out in familiar poses, downward dog and lunge for example, but incorporated the silk into those poses.
Move into Downward Facing Dog and then, inhaling, lift your right leg and step it forward into a lunge.
Learn the steps and subtleties involved in moving from Downward Dog to High Lunge so that you can maintain your alignment and musculoskeletal health in the process.
I exercise every day — I go for a run with my dog (About 20 minutes) and do a 5 - 10 min workout at home (10 pushups, 35 star jumps, 14 lunges, 20 crunches and 15 squats).
You can warm up for this practice with three rounds of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) A and B. Then, take a long Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) followed by a vinyasa back to Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward - Facing Dog Pose) before coming into Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge) on each side.
She starts by performing a variation of the downward facing dog, which revs up circulation and metabolism, before moving into a lunge position to stimulate digestion.
Chewie was very interested since he loves other dogs... as long as they don't bark or lunge at him.
Use a long line (like for tracking dogs) or a horse lunge line to allow your dog some freedom.
There are also lots of dogs that charge out of dog doors, barking, lunging and snarling toward the barrier.
He should not walk away as long as the dog barks and lunges.
If Rex ignores the treats and continues to bark and lunge, then you call the dog and reward him with a treat or toy for coming.
Domineering dogs may lunge at you and block your path.
I'll definitely try out Kristina's training techniques to stop my JRT Bacon from lunging at other dogs
Dogs bark, lunge and growl at the fence or doorway when company comes and are rewarded when the mailman, new dog or your fiancé goes away.
Some dogs might take it to a whole new level which can include growling, snapping, lunging, and even outright biting.
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