Sentences with phrase «dog over threshold»

It is our responsibility to recognize these signs so we do not push the dog over threshold and give them no other choice than biting.
Every dog's threshold is unique, as are the stimuli that push the dog over threshold.

Not exact matches

Over the threshold means working at levels where the dog panics and is out of control.
The greet shouldn't be allowed to go on too long, causing the dog to become uncomfortable and go over threshold.
Whether your dog's barking or destruction begins 30 seconds, five minutes, or 15 minutes after you've left home, this is the threshold of time over which you must never leave your dog alone when you first begin training through gradual desensitization.
For example, some dogs with vision problems, may become fearful when going from a brightly lit to dimly lit room, such as stepping over the threshold into the house.
It's really important to know your dog's limitation and not put him or her in a situations that is over their threshold.
Most likely, the stimulus is too scary and the dog is over threshold.
It is common for people to play with puppies and young dogs until they are over threshold and then worry when the dog seems to have a complete change in personality, zooming manically around knocking things over, or jumping up and biting at peoples arms and clothes.
In the dog training world there's a term: «being over threshold
When I work on behavior modification, I know the dog is getting too aroused and the dog is over threshold when he starts taking the treats too fast and roughly.
* Note: not all dogs when over threshold manifest their emotions through visible snarling, barking and lunging.
We will see a few examples of dogs over and under threshold in the next paragraphs.
You advance too fast in training and your dog learn to ignore your recall because he is over the threshold from more interesting stimuli to attend to.
Keep your dog far enough away that she does not go over threshold.
Some dogs can go over threshold when they see another dog at the other end of the block, while others are calm right up until a parade and marching band goes by.
Some people say that their dogs don't like food rewards, or won't take them, but this is simply because they are trying to deliver the food when the dog is «over threshold».
For instance, if your dog is allergic to both fleas and to pollen, they individually may not cause him problems, but the combination of the two pushes him over his allergy threshold so that he is itchy.
One of the most common ways to determine if a dog is over threshold is if it stops taking food that it took without hesitation before the stimulus.
Many dogs are under extreme stress in shelters and it can cause them to «cross over» from acceptable to unacceptable behaviours aka thresholds.
Counterconditioning is a process by which a dog is gradually introduced to an upsetting stimulus way beneath his threshold of tolerance until that stimulus no longer holds any power over him.
IF the dog starts to react on leash they are over threshold and unable to learn.
When a dog is over threshold, learning can not take place.
Your dog may be over his threshold level.
A better option for some (but not all) fears is a program of desensitization and counter-conditioning: Exposing the dog to the source of his fear from a distance that he can handle without going «over threshold», and moving closer each training session while providing a high - value reward for staying calm (the counter conditioning part.)
I specialize in dogs who go over threshold easily - be it to aggression, frustration or general reactivity; and high energy, high drive dogs.
Working with your dog way over threshold.
Perhaps the dog shows a fight, flight, or freeze response, but one so exaggerated or easily triggered that the warning signs are almost non-existent, or the owners can not «get through» to the dog once he goes over threshold.
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