Sentences with phrase «dog position»

Down dog push - ups: Start in a down dog position.
Push yourself into an up - dog position with your right hand.
He is playful, good with other dogs and has the best frog dog position when he lays down!
Lift one of your legs straight up into three - legged dog position.
Certain dog breeds are better inclined to security dog positions than other dogs.
Start in a downward dog position and walk your feet towards your hands so that your shoulders are over your hands.
Lift the rest of your body off the ground as you raise your hips and pull them back and up into a down dog position.
King Pigeon Pose (Rajakapotasana): Begin in a downward facing dog position.
We have never laughed so hard at him, he was in a downwards dog position reaching from the edge to the beam across the middle.
«The party gets to take on the attack dog position, OK you can say that.»
Add 15: Hold your 30 - second plank, then rest in a Downward Dog position for five seconds, suggests Kirsch.
It's natural to begin to shift forward, so pause to readjust your down dog position after a few presses.
Frenchies have distinctive breed characteristics which includes the FRENCHIE BOW... THE FROG DOG POSITION when laying down, THE FRENCHIE YODEL, THE FRENCHIE HOWL, THE FRENCHIE SCREECH... many of them can make some of the strangest noises you have ever heard.
That way you maintain your alph dog position and your Schnauzer gats a chance to acknowledge you as the leader.
As a Bracco comes closer and closer to scent, the gait slows to a creep, and settles into a «point», with a front leg usually held up in the classic pointing dog position.
At Purdue this typically includes the same ultrasound operator and machine, the same dog position, the same level of bladder fullness, and acquisition of images from the same angles.
However, some AWS tend to assume the alpha dog position; thus, may manifest food possessiveness issues.
The story presented in The Last of Us connected to many players emotionally and how Naughty Dog positioned the player to be protective and care for the characters is part of the games draw in point for people looking to play the game as well as replaying.
Many wholesalers, myself included, put ourselves into the bird dog position when contacted by other wholesalers looking to move their deals.
Step 4: To return to the Downward Dog position in a Hindu Push Up, from the Cobra Pose, raise your abdomen into a normal plank position, then push your hips up and head backwards into Downward Dog.
Start in a Downward Facing Dog position.
In the downward dog position with the ball supporting the chest and thighs, inhale and lift the right leg straight up until your body is in a straight line.
Next, raise your hips up toward the ceiling as you push back into Down Dog position, pressing your heels into the floor.
Get down on the ground into a Downward Dog position with your feet more than hip width apart and your butt high in the air.
Then it's just craziness with the added stress of trying to be relaxed and in the zone while secretly keeping one eye open to make sure your baby is not electrocuting themselves while exploring the powerpoint (which happens to be the only exciting thing in the room) or pulling the hair of the woman next to you in the downward dog position.
From hands and knees or downward - facing dog position, step your right foot between the hands, and bring the left knee and top of the left foot to rest on the mat.
Downdog Calf Stretch: Come down to the ground, and find your downward dog position.
Come down to the ground, and find your downward dog position.
From a hands - and - knees or downward - facing dog position, step your right foot between the hands, with the left knee and top of the left foot resting on the mat.
Push back to the downward dog position.
HOW: Begin in a downward dog position.
In a downward dog position, rest on one elbow, keeping your other hand planted on the ground.
Lower your forearms down while still in the down dog position.
Next, shoot your hips up into the air, pressing into your left hand (as if you were going into a down dog position) as you reach your right hand across your body to touch the left ankle.
From here, get into a downward - facing dog position, walking the feet as close as you can toward the forearms.
«You can do this up against a wall, over the side of your bed, or in the downward dog position.
Start in a downward dog position.
Bring your hands back towards your feet coming into the downward dog position.
It is the final downward - dog position.
Press your hands into the ball and inhale as you push the chest up and straighten the arms, looking up in an upward facing dog position.
Once ready, the person in front will begin to move into downward dog position, however they will gently walk their feet to the outside of your lower back and ending on the outside of your hip bones.
From here, bend your knees and shoot your hips back, pressing into your hands so that you're in a bent - knee down dog position (think of an animal crouching before leaping at prey... weird visual, but whatever, it works!).
First, she explained why the infrared heating technology their studios use is different than, say, turning up the thermostat in your prewar shoe box, shutting all the windows and getting into a downward - dog position.
Obviously, dogs can't talk, so their «language» is comprised of other signals - primarily body language, such as movement and positioning of the ears and tail, as well as how a dog positions himself near other dogs.
The x-ray image at the top of this article is one of the standard views with the dog positioned on its back.

Phrases with «dog position»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z