Sentences with phrase «dog tooth paste»

Use cat or dog tooth paste, NOT human toothpaste, and if you can find a flavor your kitten likes, so much better.
You will want to use a dog toothbrush and dog tooth paste.
Dog tooth paste on the other hand is edible, so if your dog gets a little dab of it, there is no need to worry.

Not exact matches

Human tooth paste is not edible and your dog will only swallow it when put into its mouth.
Flea & Tick bath Medicated bath Furminator treatment Cream Rinse / Conditioner Shave Mats / 15 mins Brush Teeth with Enzymatic Paste Express Anal Glands Treat your own pet, or purchase a gift certificate for a dog - loving friend.
Since the natural reaction of dogs to the application of dental paste in their teeth is to swallow it, you might as well go for a product that has amazing flavors so it will be enjoy the brushing experience a lot more.
But just like little children do not like to have their teeth brushed when you begin brushing their teeth for the first time, dogs and cats will object without fail the first time they feel the brush and taste the paste as well.
You won't have to spend any money on tooth brushes & pastes, dental chews, sprays, and mouth rinses, nor will your dog need to receive anesthesia in order to get an expensive tooth cleaning done.
We have been using this tooth paste on our dogs teeth for several years and as much as our dogs don't look forward to having their teeth brushed, they let us do it and they have had good responses from the Vet about their dental check - ups.
Most pet retailers sell doggie tooth brushes and paste for cleaning a dog's teeth for a very reasonable cost.
You can use a special tooth brush that slips over your fingers and tooth paste that has been specifically designed for dogs.
The tooth pastes that we people use should not be used for our dogs.
We are here to teach you how to brush your dog's teeth and provide you with the best brush and dental paste according to your dog's size and flavor preference.
These toys have rigid grooves that help clean your dog's teeth as they chew on them, and flavored pastes can be placed in the grooves to make the toy a lot more fun.
If you do brush your cat's teeth, then use a brush and paste made for animals available from your vet — the usual rules regarding not using human or dog preparations for cats apply!
This is the same enzyme that is used in dog and cat - safe tooth pastes.
Natural, dog and cat - specific enzymatic tooth paste such as Virbac C.E.T. ® can be purchased through your veterinarian, pet store or online.
Keep it at bay — and prevent gum disease and tooth loss — by cleaning your dog's teeth daily with a canine toothbrush and paste.
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