Sentences with phrase «dog with cataracts»

Dogs with cataracts need special care and training, through which they can live a quality life.
It is sometimes necessary for dogs with cataracts or glaucoma to have their eyes removed.
The chief complaints by owners of dogs with cataracts are cloudy, white - ish or blue - grey pupils (or spots in the pupil) and impaired vision.
In fact, most dogs with cataracts do not need surgery, because most lens opacities in dogs (and a lens opacity is a cataract, no matter how tiny or big) are small and don't significantly interfere with vision.
In other dogs, in which the condition can not be treated with surgery or where the condition is minor in nature, dog eye drops that are used that are formulated for dogs with cataracts.
When an ophthalmoscope is used to examine the eye of a dog with cataracts, the retina at the back of the eye can not be seen clearly.
How can a dog with cataracts pass?
I have a dog with cataracts from diabetes.
In Dr. McCalla's experience, diabetic dogs tend to have a better surgical success rate after cataract surgery than «normal» dogs with cataracts.
However, not all dogs with cataracts need or should have cataract surgery.
Knowledgeable people know they occur frequently and can be difficult to breed away from, so how come some dogs with cataracts still pass their eye exams?
They decided to screen all the other breeds for which they had DNA samples from dogs with cataracts to see if any shared the Staffy Bull mutation.
No dog with cataracts and the mutation should be bred.
A dog might have a cataract even though it does not have a mutation of HSF4, If a dog has just one copy of the Aussie mutation can develop cataracts, and — in what must seem a perverse whim of the DNA gods — not every dog that has the mutation has or will get cataracts, nor every dog with cataracts have the mutation.
Diabetic dogs actually tend to have a better surgical success rate after cataract surgery than «normal» dogs with cataracts, if it is «caught» early enough.
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