Sentences with phrase «dogma holds»

Even though popular gym dogma holds that heavy weights are the key to increasing muscle size, these findings suggest that you can achieve the same degree of muscle development by using lighter weights, as long as you pump iron until reaching absolute muscle failure.
The central dogma holds that DNA is the repository for all genetic instructions in a cell.
But a politically correct dogma holds that open source is automatically the best path to creativity and innovation, and that claim is not borne out by the facts.
As expounded in the «sacred writings» of Karl Marx and V. I. Lenin, the dogma holds that the physical world of things which can be seen, felt, weighed, and measured is the only reality that exists.
It was done by dogma; the dogma holds that certain people are mere objects.
Indeed, science has a long history of refuting religious dogma held as «truth»..
I am having a hard time picturing Jesus saying, «Take and eat, but only if you all agree on all the dogmas you hold to be matters of faith.»
Dogma held as the absolute truth.
The skeptics thought that any disordered proteins had to be one - offs — outliers — and that the classical structure - function dogma held.

Not exact matches

«A delightfully documented and detailed deconstruction of buy - and - hold dogma.
East Eastern theology, while holding more strictly than western theology on basic dogmas, is tolerant of differences of opinions on finer points Eastern church membership is contingent on commitment and behavior Eastern Christians have no difficulty maintaining definite beliefs while remaining tolerant.
In 2009 a conference of «ecopsychologists» was held at the University of West England to discuss the obvious psychological problems resident in those who do not adhere to the global warming dogma.
Many of us who have ditched religion did so upon realizing that religious dogma, religious practice, and biblical scripture is illogical, impractical and can not hold up under any rational analysis.
With Jesus Feminist, Bessey's a modern - day Moses, seeking to not only free a Church held captive by dogma but also to redeem generations of women who have been stifled and silenced far too long.»
This again produced a storm of indignation among the conservatives, who held to the dogma that the words of the Bible had been changed.
Christian orthodoxy in its Christological dogma has held two concerns in tension.
However, the same dogma could not hold up as «true» under scientific study.
Newman made me recognize that what I held dear — the great dogmas of the faith, the creeds, God's work in and through history — presupposed the institutional Church.
In my judgment a reworking of Christianity along progressivist lines, i.e., along lines which teach God's insistence upon democratic dogmas and which discern doctrine - altering «Revelation» in democratic social trends, remains an ongoing potentiality, whether initiated by «Protestants» or «Catholics»; this follows, I hold, from Tocquevillian premises.
«It began its operations,» he wrote, «by questioning the truth of certain conceptions held by Christian people — particularly the literal inerrancy of the Bible, the obscurantist dogmas concerning the origin of the Christian revelation and a cosmological view of the origins of the universe and of man.»
Sir Winston and other greats of Western civilization notwithstanding, our good priest from Thebes would have felt most uncomfortable at Trent or in other contemporary centers of Christendom where dogmas were held in high regard.
Although held in theory over a long period, the belief was accentuated during the latter part of the nineteenth century and since, and became finally a basic dogma underlying the Japanese Imperial thrust, which is often regarded as the beginning of World War II.9 The idea was taught in the schools, in the army, and resulted finally in a fanatical religious, as well as patriotic, devotion to the emperor, without which, it seems to the writer, it is impossible to explain the daring attack of the island empire of Japan upon the richest and most powerful nation in the world, the United States.
Scientists individually may hold positions they wont yield on, but SCIENCE inherently accepts challenges to dogma
Some of us hold certain propositions as a kind of personal dogma.
Common sentiment is not enough to hold a community together, and dogma results in the paralysis, isolation, or fragmentation of a community.
As secretary of the Cambridge University Free Trade Association, he wrote in 1923: «We must hold to free trade, in its widest interpretation, as an inflexible dogma, to which no exception is admitted, wherever the decision rests with us....
I am merely keeping a steady hold upon the Christian dogma that sin is a position — not, however, as though it could be comprehended, but as a paradox which must be believed.
He does quote, evidently with approval, Avery Cardinal Dulles» explanation: «Full communion, as I understand it, will require the acceptance by both Catholics and Orthodox of all the dogmas that are held by the other community to be matters of faith.»
No doubt the church has been right in acknowledging the deity of Christ and the Incarnation as the fullest measure of the divine revelation of which human nature is capable; though it should be pointed out that the church as a rule undertook to stand fast and to hold the ground of the traditional, historical faith, enshrined in the New Testament, and — as the histories of dogma make clear - only took over metaphysical definitions which had already been hammered out on the anvils of logical and exegetical disputation.
Holding in your mind contradictions and circular reasoning patterns, clinging to dogmas no matter how much your mind begs otherwise, and repeating fairy tales to yourself over and over until your discomfort with reality finally goes away, is a sure recipe for mental illness and lifelong unhappiness.
Catholic modernists, believing that religion is a greater mystery than reason can comprehend, accepted the Enlightenment's intellectual indictments of religious dogma, traditional interpretations of scripture, and church history but held onto the church's ritual and symbols.
We make no case for polygenism as such, but if there is scientific evidence to support it, we must ask whether polygenism is compatible with defined doctrine, or are Catholics bound to hold mongenism as an infallibly defined dogma?
By the fundamentalist Protestant type we mean those churches which hold to the verbal inspiration and hence the literal inerrancy of the Bible, and which defend as of vital importance certain creedal dogmas, notably the virgin birth, the blood atonement, the physical resurrection of Christ, and his visible second coming.
You can preach a belief in a singular God, but no human has right to hold their own dogma above anyone else.
This is a voice of humanity overtaking the holds of dogma.
We should be free to develop an understanding based on what we read, what is troubling is the authoritative why the doctrine has been proclaimed, and the way supporters of the doctrine hold to it with unquestioning devotion (dogma.
Today, he feels that America is growing more extreme in its dogma, which is «holding a growing influence over American politics.»
You must have missed this in the article: «extreme in its dogma, which is «holding a growing influence over American politics.»
Doctrine and dogma, though decried, needs to hold and it its center is Jesus Christ, as confessed by the historic church.
Man created stories about gods because he did not understand the world around him, even the christians believed that the world was the center of the universe 400 years ago, but as man gained knowledge religions had to rethink their dogma to jive with the facts, in order to hold onto the wealth and power they covet more than anything else, period.
The First Vatican Council (1869 - 1870) was held in part to strengthen the church against the onslaught of modem thinking, and did so by promulgating the Dogma of Papal Infallibility.
If the head of state could again happen to be a Catholic, and if Mr. Ratzinger completes a hard - right turn of the office he holds, would we want to have a monarch deal with issues of conscience of the kind: push my country towards conforming to Catholic dogma, abdicate or risk my soul?
Oh wow, I never realised that it would be an issue of state sovereignty, as it is almost held as a matter I'd indisputable dogma that the franchise can only be held by natural born or naturalised citizens, who have not been disenfranchised by virtue of criminal conviction!
Historically, of course, this meant that it held its ideological commitments lightly, recognising that doctrine and dogma — secular or religious — could blunt its effectiveness as a political movement dedicated to an improvement in the material conditions of working people.
The discovery that each cell in a chicken can be inherently male or female is a huge departure from biological dogma, which holds that hormones control sex characteristics in vertebrates.
Dogma at the time held that no new neurons are born in the adult brain, so Ramòn y Cajal made the reasonable assumption that the key changes must occur between existing neurons.
Neuroscientists are rethinking another long - held dogma: that the firing rate serves as a brain cell's sole means of expression.
«It was a long - held dogma that was never confirmed,» he says.
Until recently, the dogma in transplantation immunology held that allograft rejection was a Th1 CD4 + cell - mediated process.
The â $ œcancer stem cellâ $ hypothesis has invigorated the neuro - oncology field with a breath of fresh thinking that may end up shaking the foundation of old dogmas, such as the widely held belief that glioblastoma tumors are incurable because of infiltrative disease.
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