Sentences with phrase «dogma which»

[Economic rationalism is the dogma which says that markets and money can always do everything better than governments, bureaucracies and the law.
Having done so, do the reports, or parts of the reports attain the full weight of dogma which tollerates no dissenting voices or variance in belief or practice among its believers.
Second, this means that environmental dogma which argues that we live within ecological limits may actually make us more vulnerable to changes in the natural world.
The game will have anywhere from 30 to 100 hours of content depending on how you play through Dragon's Dogma which ranges from normal play to hardcore RPG runs.
Steve jobs once said «Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking» and i think it applies to value investing world as well.
There are others, but the most detrimental to our topic here is the dogma which both schools share: Iyengar and Sivananda.
And don't be swayed by the dogma which says you can or you can't do something, because I think it's a huge choice for women to have to make.
And crucially he could not convincingly make the case for a social democrat country, given that his own time in government was beset by the free market dogma which has poisoned Labour and Tory administrations since Thatcher.
And Labour has proved itself incapable of protecting working class communities from the frenzy of free market dogma which has dominated Westminster since the 1980s.
This argument was made in criticism of Newbigin (1983) and is relevant to Newbigin (1986), who emphasizes Christian religion as dogma which confronts culture to change it but is not itself changed by that culture.
There isn't dogma which is not «absolutist».
The doctrine of the Trinity remains merely a dogma which we have inherited from the past and has not become a living focus of our life and thought.
It is my hope that one day you will abandon the antiquated crutch and see through this infectious dogma which continues to cripple the progress of morality in this world.
At the end of the last century, Arnold advocated art as a solution to the evident collapse of religion: «There is not a creed which is not shaken, not an accredited dogma which is not shown to be questionable, not a received tradition which does not threaten to dissolve.»
Once more the aim is the removal of mythology, but this time it springs from a dogma which is less inappropriate.
This difficulty lay like a great sorrow upon all theologians whose last norm of belief was nothing more certain than private interpretation of the Bible, and while it broke the faith of some, it serves also, paradox though it may seem, to explain how it was that so many non-Catholic exegetes found it easy to strip themselves of theological vesture and to plunge wildly with the higher critics into the maelstrom of that speculative free - for - all and devaluation of Christian dogma which followed.
What Jefferson couldn't foresee, but which Spalding knows well, is that such mandates can only work if the teachers charged with teaching the principles reject reigning dogmas which reject the very possibility of truth.
Their predictions become dogmas which they do not question»

Not exact matches

He later reiterated his support with an op - ed in The Washington Post in which he wrote, «Trump's heretical denial of Republican dogma about government incapacity is exactly what we need to move the party — and the country — in a new direction.»
Don't be trapped by dogmawhich is living with the results of other people's thinking.
Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
Molecular biology's famous «Central Dogma» states that DNA, the living computer code that makes up our genes, is first transcribed into RNA, which is then translated into specific proteins, which ultimately do the 24/7 work of the body and form its many structures.
Even so, Mr. Draghi is unlikely to challenge the founding dogma of the European Central Bank, which demands that it adhere to its German - inspired mandate to fight inflation.
Marr wants to insist on the futility of any expression of public morality that must rely on theological premises (which he calls «dogma»).
Bigotry and unprovable / unknowable / unquestionable dogma of the religions which (many / some) believers may place all of their morality around comepletely, is at the heart of the problem here.
Both are in whole or major part, the fault of the revisionist education dogma of the so - called progressive left which abandoned rote learning, core curricula, and classics for outcome - based propagandizing about the «victims» of Western civilization.
«Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church which states that, in virtue of the promise of Jesus to Peter, the Pope is preserved from the possibility of error.»
To use a portion of that dogma (satan) which represents «evil» to the believer, is just plain dumb; period.
I am a believer who does not claim affiliation to any sect because they all add their own prejudiced dogma most of which is that you have to believe that everything in the bible is beyond refute.
It is a bizarre and very self serving hypothesis which appears to be designed to allow you to cling to your dogma of original sin.
Those concerned with Luther thus have little reason for concern with tradition, which — as «scholasticism,» «mysticism,» or «traditional dogma» — serves mostly as a foil for Luther's «discovery.»
The difference is that the supernatural claims of religious dogma are things which can not ever be proven true outside of the context which I have already mentioned, which is the context of belief.
If there is one dogma to which high - minded lawyers cling more tenaciously than any other, it is that the legal profession ought to be above the «morals of the marketplace.»
Tenderness separated from the source of tenderness thus supports a «popular piety» that goes unexamined, a piety in which liberalism in its decline establishes dogmatic rights, rights that in an extreme» as presently in the arguments for abortion in the political sphere and for «popular culture» in the academic» become absolute dogma to be accepted and not examined.
[246] Hitler maintained that the «terrorism in religion is, to put it briefly, of a Jewish dogma, which Christianity has universalized and whose effect is to sow trouble and confusion in men's minds.»
It was an example of Christians injecting their dogma into the political system of our country, which was the original poster claimed was not happening.
However, I suspect that you're just looking for whatever chance you can get to pour on insults, mockery and atheist dogma — all of which get a bit repet * tive and tiring.
Perhaps materialism was a liberating philosophy when the need was to escape from dogmas of religion, but today materialism itself is the dogma from which the mind needs to escape.
Clearly, then, it is a dogmatic fact that there was but one Adam and one Eve since it is connected with the dogma of original sin, and on which the application of that dogma depends.
His predominant theme is the rise of a liberal model of civilisation which he traces from Protestantism, with its «rejection of the normative significance of tradition in the field of Christian dogma» (p. 6), followed by the Enlightenment, which placed an absolute value on the individual.
His pretend doctorate (In theology) is from a FAKE university which is nothing but a pretend church school teaching nothing but bullshit fundamentalism based dogma.
«You can not claim absolute finality for a dogma without claiming a commensurate finality for the sphere of thought within which it arose.
If the dogmas of the Christian Church from the second to the sixth century centuries express finally and sufficiently the truths concerning the topics about which they deal, then the Greek philosophy of that period had developed a system of ideas of equal finality.
I understand the Dogma aspect of it is observable evidence for something is king however, that in no way shape or form changes that various activity that Atheists preform which which reflect the human activity that people of faith preform.
The cult of relics is a tradition which religious Christians prefer to knowing the dogma and practising charitable love.
Even if we chose to interject religious dogma into the classroom, which religion is appropriate?
Hence the principal Christian dogmas, which include such symbols as «Son of God», «satisfaction», «sacrifice», and the like, are, in so far as they are limited to the facts of the Christian story, untenable.
I choose to have a belief without those dogmas and limitations, a belief which (and this is the beauty) does also not clash with science and which (in my opinion) may be far closer to the true msg of Christ.
'' Once you remove man's dogmas and get back to the teachings of Jesus Christ» Which is one of man's dogmas... Men wrote the bible.You haven't removed anything, you have accepted one of man's dogmas as if it were truth.
Without all that, which is not itself dogma, the dogmas themselves would be unintelligible and as regards faith no longer assimilable by the hearer.
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